Prologue:Chapter One: Let's get this over with!

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It's been a week and still no answers. While everyone else watches the two in confusion and slight fear, they carry on like everything is normal. Laughing and joking like they were always friends, wearing different ties like it was normal for them to completely disrespect the dress code and the respective house colors. Occasionally they would get cornered by their friends demanding answers but only getting laughter in response as if they believed their friends were playing a joke or a prank they couldn't quite pull off. Detentions were taken in stride with a smirk occupying both faces, this scared teachers who feared greatly that history was repeating itself. Although this occurred almost everyday for a week a question bounced through the heads of everyone in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 'WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HARRY AND DRACO!' (Roll credits)
"So Harry, when do you think they'll corner us next?" Draco smirked tossing a chip off the Gryffindor's plate into his mouth. In response Harry only raised a eyebrow at the Ravenclaw.

"I don't know, willing to bet as soon as we leave the hall." He glanced around at the people watching to two eat at the Gryffindor table. "People look anxious like they're waiting for something."

"...Yeah I caught up on that." Draco shook his head with a sigh. "You'd think they'd give up but seriously this joke is kinda..." he trailed off staring at the door leading out of the Great Hall, biting his lip nervously.

"Getting old? Yeah I know" Harry finished, standing up and holding his hand out to the blond. "Well let's get this over with I got Transfiguration to go to." Draco smiled and took the hand intertwining their fingers together.

"You idiot it's Saturday. No classes." After a short pause the blond glanced back at the door, exhaustion clear on his face. Because of this joke the whole school was in on apparently Draco hadn't been allowed back into the Ravenclaw dorms, and he could hardly tell Harry about it knowing how protective the Gryffindor could get, so he took the safer option that wouldn't get his house burned to s crisp and slept in one of the abandon classrooms, comfortable enough though not the best place to get to sleep.
What's worse was that the Ravenclaws refused to talk to him, only staring at him in confusion when he tried to approach them. Sure the Slytherins were nice and all offering him a common room at the very least, Draco just didn't see the appeal in sleeping in someone else's dorm. It didn't seem right. This was also something he couldn't tell Harry.

"Let's get this over with." Draco sighed releasing his hand from Harry's and running it through his hair, successfully messing it up even more than it already was.
     Like foretold as the pair exited the hall each were grabbed by their respective friends and shoved into a closet.

     "Wow, we totally didn't see this coming. I'm so surprised." Draco huffed crossing his arms in annoyance. Harry only smile softly at his friend before turning back to their interrogators.

     "Dray's right, wrong for being sarcastic, but right all the same. Guys this joke has been going on long enough and frankly I'm getting tired of constantly being dragged into dark spaces and having a bright light being shone in my face." Harry groaned when Ron cheered quietly from behind Hermione having lost all rights to interrogating them when he hexed Draco.

     "So you admit that this has been some sick joke. I knew it! Harry would never fraternize with the slimy ferret snake." At this point Harry was practically foaming at the mouth. It's one thing that he says it in front of Harry but he knows to keep his mouth shut when around Draco! Before Harry could respond however Draco had already beat him to it. 

     "Wow weasel so original." He groaned in a bored tone. "By the way you know how Harry gets when you say that about me. Oh don't act surprised that I know he still says it. So why would you risk being torn limb from limb unless you thought you were actually right. Which is a far stretch."
     Harry smirked at Ron's stuttering obviously waiting for Harry to defend him which he wasn't going to do. 'Ron should know better' he thought.

     "Okay before this gets too out of hand we just want to say we're not joking. Harry believe me, we honestly thought this was a prank." Hermione smiled trying to kill the awkward atmosphere that had begun to engulf the surprisingly large closet.

     "She's right Drake." Pansy sighed "but now we know that's not the case." She patiently ignored Harry's 'well duh!' "So we only have one question for you two." The others were silent after that none actually knowing how to phrase it right.

      "Draco how long have you been in Ravenclaw?" Blaise asked with a huff. Draco looked at him skeptically before answering.

      "Seven years, same amount of time you've been in Slytherin. I mean I still sit at your table but I'm Ravenclaw always have been."

     "There's your answer folks these two are not the Draco and Harry we know and love!" Harry and Draco exchanged looks and then sighed almost as if they were admitting defeat.

     "We thought that might be the case specially since you guys have dragged the kidnappings out so long. Seems like you were right Dray we somehow entered another dimension."

     "I hate it when I'm right." Draco signed practically face-palming.  "But in this instance, yes it would assume so.  Have any other questions now that we have that out of the way?"

     "Uh yeah how did you two get here?"
     "Where are our Draco and Harry!?"
     "How are you two best friends!?!?"
     "Why is Draco a Ravenclaw!!?"
The four kidnappers spoke at the same time leaving it almost impossible for the two being questioned to actually pick up any of the questions.

     "Alright!" Harry clapped.

     "Since you four are making it impossible for anything to be said and or heard around here there is only one option." Draco grinned sharing a look with Harry that almost always meant mischief.

      "STORY TIME!" They yelled in unison making the others in the closet star at them as if they had two heads each.
     Seeing the looks on their faces Harry decided to continue while Draco was secretly locking the door with a charm that only he could undo. Adding a silence charm and a temporary forget get me spell around the room as finishing touches. The best part, he was the least bit suspicious since he hadn't moved an inch. "We are going to tell you: How we met, how we became best friends, why I'm so protective even though no one asked for that one," Harry listed counting off with his fingers the small list of demands "and hopefully we can all finger out how we got here!"

     "We're going to tell you our life's story basically." Draco hissed punching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. Harry only grinned at the blond before conjuring up six chairs.

     "He's right so you might as well sit and get comfy because none of you are leaving until we figure this out." Harry opened his mouth to start but stopped when he saw Ron's hand go up in the air. Harry gave him a gesture to continue.

      "That's all fine and dandy mate and it would help a lot but why do you have a lighting bolt on your forehead?" The others nodding in agreement seeing the scar as well as soon as Ron pointed it out. Harry, just looked confused.

     "It would seem that this universe doesn't have a Voldemort, Harold" Draco stated as a professor would ignoring the looks he got from the others he turned a smirk onto the black haired boy. "Guess we'll truly have to tell them our life story gotta get the good parts eh mate?" Harry just grinned in response and turned back to their four friends.

     "Alright here goes let me tell you about the creepiest man that ever lived how he tried to take over our world and was stopped by a helpless child only striving off his mothers love." Harry smirked feeling as if he was about to do something taboo, and in his world it probably was "Let me tell you about the boy who lived the killing curse, and the boy who became master of the universe. Here is the tale of Harry Potter and Draco Black!"

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