Prologue: Chapter Two: The Beguinning that No One Saw Coming!

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"Let me stop you right there Potter," Draco sighed running a hand through his hair making zero eye contract with anyone in the room. If you looked close enough you could see a faint blush on his face. "I am not the master of the universe, nor have I ever been."
Harry only grinned at the, only obvious to him, flustered blond. "Might as well be!" Draco huffed and turned his back on the boy.

"Back to the story, and ignore anything Harold says about me, can I ask something about how the Draco and Harry from this dimension met?"

"Well," Hermione started "they met at Madame Maudkins didn't they?" She turned to Ron to confirm her theory. Said boy nodded seeming deep in thought.

"Oh." Draco sighed turning to Harry and giving him a look that said to continue the story. Harry's grin, having never left his face from seeing Draco blush, seemed to grow bigger.

"Alright story time!"
"So let's start with Voldie. He was originally a kid named Tom Riddle, apparent smart kid, but he was afraid of death and obsessed with power. He eventually became known as Voldemort, the Dark Lord, He Who Mist Not Be Named, and You-Know-Who. Even though he was a half-blood himself he hated muggles, started killing them. He had these followers known as Death Eaters who, did most of the dirty work for him. Everyone was terrified of him until the day he was defeated by a one-year-old. Me, mind you. Anyways in the end my father ended up stunned but my mother died. So to hide me, from Death Eaters out for revenge my father took me to the muggle world where we stayed until I turned eleven." By the end of his portion Harry's throat had gone dry. He motioned for Draco to start his part while he conjured up a bottle of water.

"My story is less dramatic, mostly because no one knows what truly happened. All I know is that my parents died by two well aimed Avada Kedvra's focused on each other. No one" he paused the words caught in his throat "No one knows why they were fighting, but I have the suspicion it was because of me. Anyways, I was raised by Sirius and Regulus Black, ergo the name, so you can only assume what being raised by two lunatics can accomplish." He bowed his head in shame. "I'm surprised I'm even sane. I do know that Sirius and James kept in touch, but I didn't meet Harry until Hogwarts."

"Now that we have our depressing background out of the way we can get to the good part. I was names The Boy-Who-Lived, and therefore made a celebrity in the Wizard world, and Draco grew up raised by crazy people. Now here's where it gets interesting."


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