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" oh my God I can't wait to come home" Hailey said excitedly after I told her about my little "encounter" with Tyler.

" are you possibly enjoying my misery? " I said raising my brow at her.
" are you calling yourself miserable after you just caught the Mr bad boy of the school's attention? " she raising her brow back at me.

" there you said it!! now my quiet life won't be so quiet anymore" I grumbled making her shake her head at me.

" OK just get your shit together and don't mess it up till I come back" she said seriously.
" what do you mean?" I must've looked so dumb cause she face palmed before sighing in defeat.

" just don't do anything stupid.take care of yourself , see ya in a week bitch" she said waving quickly before ending the video call.

I was just sitting there and looking at the black screen of my laptop before I shook my head heading downstairs.

" OK honey we'll be leaving in a bit, thank you so much for doing this I'll treat you to a fancy restaurant this weekend to show you my gratitude" mom said hugging me for the 100th time already making me roll my eyes as I pushed her away gently.

" sure whatever, just don't be late" I said dismissing her out of the door.
" uhem.. I forgot to tell you this but you have to go to their house, she can't bring her baby here" she said smiling nervously.
" OK whatever, let me change quick" I said with a sigh as I headed towards my room to change my Winnie the pooh pijamas.

I put on a baggy shirt and some shorts before rushing back down.

As I was locking the door I saw Mrs. Dylan in her car as mom hopped next to her, she stepped out of the car and came jogging to me.

" oh dear, you don't know how grateful I am" she engulfed me in a bone crushing hug making me struggle to breath.

" it's no biggie really, do you mind letting go I think I broke a rib or too" I said coughing slightly.

" oh sorry dear, everything you need is in the bag at the sofa. Sophie is sleeping now" she said shaking the nonexistent dust on my shoulders awkwardly.

" I think I will survive, now you two just go have fun" I said smiling politely, mok must be super proud I sounded so mature and well mannered.

After some reassuring they hit the road and I entered Mrs. Dylan's house. It was so cute and elegant.

I spotted the big blue baby bag on the sofa and went to check it then headed to Sophie's room to find her sleeping soundly. I smiled at how cute she looked before going back downstairs.

Ok so now what? I jumped on the comfy sofa grabbing the remote controller and started searching through the channels aimlessly till I heard a sound. I thought maybe I was just imagining it but then I heard it loud and clear.
The sound of footsteps from upstairs, my heartbeat increased and I started looking around for any possible weapon, the lights were off and I couldn't see a single thing.

The footsteps are now heard descending the stairs, I searched the baby bag quickly and grabbed the first thing I found before running to the kitchen.

I hid in the corner holding my weapon closely for dear life while waiting for the intruder to barge in at any second.

I heard the footsteps coming closer and I heard humming, some nerve that this guy have! even humming happily like he isn't giving me a panic attack.

He was just right around the corner as I threw my weapon at him with a war cry.

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