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Im riding in kei watching the rain come down and we start to pull into a hood

"Why you so shy"

"What do you mean"

"I barely ever see you talk"

"I like to be by myself"i lie i always hated to be by myself and feel left out .like when momma left me home by myself.

He reach over to me kei had the most beautiful green eyes ever.i never got the hype about light color eyes but they were beautiful.

"Get out"


"I open the door"

"Oh shit"i jump out the car it had stop raining.i look around i could tell this was a bad area.the houses look broken down the were homeless people on the street and i could here shouting.

"Kei can we go inside"

He shook he head and we walk inside his house.i look around it was sad it looked like nobody has been living here for years.

"So this is were you live"

"Yea not everybody lives in a nice home"

I nod and he took my to his room i look at the time it was  6.

"Where your family"

"Who knows"

"You dont know where family is"


"So if something bad happen to them"

" i havent seen them in a while they probably got shot"

"And you done care"

"Not really i barely see them niggas so why the should i care"

I stup up he it was sounding like he was annoy.i tap my thights and look out the window it was starting to rain again.

"So you asking all these question what about your family they probably wondering where you at"

"They done care probably dont know im gone"

He lights up he blunt he and hands it to me.i grab it out his hand and inhaled it and almost choke
He pats my back

"Damn you never smoke alittle weed before take alittle in at a time"

I do what he saids and blow out a ring

"Shit you a pro"

I pass the blunt back at him and we start smoking for a while

"Why...why all a couple yeas ago you didnt what anything with a darkskin now im in your house"

He laughs"you high"

"What if i am but im being serious what the hell you what with a darkskin you fuck with lightskin girls plus you said you didnt like because i was darkskin"

"You need to stup up first i never say that plus you should happy your dark i always wish i was"

I was shocked"why "

"I dont my mom so i have been around my dad family my whole life and they are all darkskin so i wanted to be like them.....but let me ask something you know why your here right"

"What do you mean"

"You know what i mean you know the only reason your here is because i want some pussy"

I pause for sec i knew thats all he wanted.but i didnt what he to stop talking to me plus i needed a ride.

"Maybe i what some dick"

I because what i got to lose if i didnt have sex now he knows when i will again.and maybe this can be something more.

He smirks at me and lays me down on the bed

"You should you what to do this"

"Yea"i smile

I wake up to his hands wrap around me. I look at his alarm shit its 11

I slap kei on his back 


"I need to go home she's going to fucking kill me"

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