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its so cold I walking down the street in a white neighborhood at 3:30 in the morning I hope I dont get shot.after a while I finally reach maddy's house. Gently knock on the door but maddy quickly opens it

"You coming in are not"

I walk inside and put my coat down

"Maddy you so damn loud what if your parents hear us"

"Its whatever they probably wouldn't even care but that doesnt matter lets get upstair so you can get started"

"Ok lets"

Maddy's house is so big beautiful I would kill to live here we get to a room where the door said Jessica.

"Princess open the door" maddy shouted

"Your always so loud"the door open wait I remember her she is was that girl who got sent away where her sex tape with the football came out.she was the most popular girl you you wouldnt have to guess  why she's one of the prettiest girl i ever seen. she has long blonde hair sea blue eyes a small nose and small lips I always wish I would wake up and look like her the wish never came true.

"Dont stand there get inside"she grab me by the arm and drag me in the room and sat me down in a old timey looking chair.

"Ok this is going to be a long night" she first take my hair out of a bun and tried to brush I grab the brush and though it across the room

"Ok I'll come back to that later"

She started to do my makeup then gave me the clothes she had on her bed.i put the clothes on I could tell it was expensive. She went back to my hair but did it slowly this time she straighten it I was surprised when it touch my back.

"Ok am finally done you can look in the mirror" I turn around I almost cried I first the first in forever looked good.she gave me a sunset eyes look and arch eyebrows with a red lips I didnt need foundation because I never had skin problems.

I was in love with the clothes and my hair was nappy it was like that white girls on tv.

"Maddy do you like it"i said happily

"You looked better before you look basic now"

"You mad"

"Am not mad you look better before"

"Sis stop being a downer she looks great"

"Yea whatever but dont you have to go home its like past five thirty"

"No I dont I told her I was leaving early"

"And she just believe that"

"Its not like she cares"

"I guess but now I have to get ready"

*At School*

"Mavis come out the car"maddy saids


she grabs my by my arms and takes me out

"im scared" i said

"aint nothing to be scared of"

we both enter the school and she goes to her first period.i take a deep breath before i enter the room.when i do everybody looking at me i slowing get my way at the back of the class i can the boys looking at my ass.i get to my sit and listen to the math teacher but i can hear people talking about me

"oh she think cute"

"why she have so much makeup on"

"damn that ass fat"

"she can take all of this dick"

i roll my eyes where only in the class for five mintues before the bell rings i get my stuff and walk out my my clumsy ass bump into someone

thanks for reading

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