Replacing Raven

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*in the halls of Ever After Raven, Twilight, Maddie and Pinkie*

Raven- *sad*

Twilight- *comforts her*

Madeline Hatter: *reassuring* Come on, Raven, what's the Hatter?

Raven Queen: It's Apple. She's really upset about Legacy Day. I wish I could do something to make Apple feel better.

Twilight- *rolls eyes* And Sunset hasn't let me off easy either...

Madeline Hatter: *reassures her* Like all fairytale princesses, she needs an arch enemy to be the ying to her yang and make her feel... complete.

Pinkie- *smiles* The same goes familiar wise too...

Raven Queen: *perks up* Sooo, we just need to find someone to take my place as Apple's storybook nemesis!

Twilight- *smiles*

Voice: Um, I'll do it.

*both look at each other in confusion then look down to see one of the little pigs*

Little Pig- It's always been my dream to be the evillest pig this school ever saw! *snorts* *dramatic* buh-buh-BUHHHMMMM. HA!

*at lunch Raven and Twilight are eating*

Little Pig- *sees Raven and Twilight* Hey, Raven, Twilight! I did something diabolocal! I switched the yellow mustard for the brown mustard! MOO-HOO-HOO-HAHAHA!

*Raven and Twilight smile as they see Dexter, Flash, Daring, and Blueblood walk by happily*

Dexter Charming: *awed* Wow! These hot dogs are great! *holding a hot dog*

Flash- *nodding in approval while holding one*

Blueblood- *holding one* What do you think it is?

Daring Charming: *awe* I know! I think it's the new mustard.

Raven/Twilight- *arches eyebrow with a smirk*

Little Pig: *grunts in frustration*

*on the balcony*

Little Pig- *to Raven and Twilight* okay, okay. I'm gonna drop dangerous, gas-filled balloons, on unsuspecting students! Buh-buh-BUHHHMMMM. Nyah-hahaha!

Raven Queen: *intrigued* Really! Ugh.. what kind of gas did you fill them with?

Little Pig: Helium!

Raven Queen: Okay, helium is not dangerous.

Twilight- *chuckles* It does this. *unties a balloon which flies in the air*

Little Pig: *gasps in surprise* *in awe*

*Apple and Sunset walk out to the balcony devastated*

Apple White: *to Raven* I heard that you're trying to find an evil replacement to make me happy! That is so mean! *upset*

Sunset- *crosses arms* Really guys? *arches eyebrow*

Raven Queen: Excuse me?

Twilight- *confused* Say what?

Apple White: *to Raven* You and I are supposed to be frenemies.

Sunset- *to Twilight* And we're supposed to be frenemy familiars.

Raven/Twilight: *crosses arms*But we don't want to.

Apple White: *sighs in annoyance* *turns around*

Raven Queen: I wanna choose my own destiny! Why can't you two understand that!

Twilight- Thank you!

Little Pig: Girls!

Apple White: I can't believe you're doing this―*gasps*

Raven Queen: *gasps*

Sunset/Twilight- *gasps*

*they all see the little pig tied to the balloons and flying in the air*

Little Pig: *admits* Hi. I don't wanna be an Evil Queen anymore.

Raven Queen: *confused* Didn't you say this was your big dream?

Little Pig: Oh! Oh, that? That was this morning... *snorts* now, I wanna be... a balloonatic! Buh-buh-BUHHHMMM.

Apple/Sunset- *smiles*

Raven Queen: *facepalm*

Twilight- *chuckles* Ok, that...was pretty funny...*crosses arms*

'Male Narrator: And so the struggle continues at Ever After High.

Discord- Maybe things will just magically work out.

Chrysalis- *scoffs* Oh, please!!!

Female Narrator: Yeah, when pigs fly!

Little Pig: Ha ha Haaaaa!

Ever After Pony- A Tale of Two TalesWhere stories live. Discover now