The Cat Who Cried Wolf

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*in the forest Cerise, Rainbow, and a gray wolf are running*

*they all sit the wolf happily wags tail*

Cerise Hood: *pets the wolf* Sorry, Carmine. I'd love to race again but, I've gotta get back to school.

Rainbow- *nuzzles Carmine sadly*

Carmine- *licks Rainbow then licks Cerise but her hood falls back revealing wolf ears*

Rainbow- *gasps in shock* Cerise...

Cerise- *gasps* My ears. *puts her hood back on* Go find our pack!

Carmine- *nods* *runs off*

Rainbow- *worried* Let's head back...*looks around*

Cerise- *looks around* *sighs in relief* *covers Rainbow with her hood and they run into the shadows*

Kitty/Adagio: *sees the whole thing* *mischievously smiles at each other*Hee-hee-hee-hee! *grins and disappears*

*in the Cheshire Grotto*

*Cerise and Rainbow make it to the grotto but are shocked to see Kitty and Adagio* *worried*

Kitty- *stroking her caterpillar* *intrigued*You beat that wolf in a race! How do you do it? *smirks mischievously*

Adagio- *smirks mischievously* We're all ears.

Cerise Hood: *worried* Kitty, Adagio you can't tell anyone about that.

Rainbow- *worried* If anyone found out...

Adagio- *smirks* There would be such chaos...and that's what we do best...

Kitty Cheshire: *grins mischievously*Hee-hee-hee-hee hee...

*they both disappear*

Cerise Hood: *sighs*

Rainbow- *puts a hoof on Cerise in comfort*

*Raven and Twilight walk up to them*

Raven/Twilight: *concerned unison* Cerise? Rainbow?

Cerise Hood: *growls in anger* *her eyes flash yellow*

Raven/Twilight: *gasps in shock*

Rainbow- *worried* Oh no...

Cerise Hood: *shocked as her eyes turn back to normal* Raven? Twilight? *sadly* Lemme guess, you guys...

Raven Queen: Yeah. You wanna talk about it? *puts a hand on Cerise's shoulder in comfort*

Twilight- *wraps her hoof around Rainbow in comfort*

Rainbow- *smiles calmly*

Cerise Hood: *sighs* I just... I guess it would be a relief to finally tell someone. *pulls out a locket revealing Red Riding Hood, a man, and Cerise* My family is...hiding a secret. *pushes the button on the locket to reveal that her dad has yellow eyes and wolf ears*

Raven Queen: *gasps* Your mom, Red Riding Hood, married the Big Bad Wolf? *takes Cerise's hand*Don't worry, I won't say a word!

Twilight- *nuzzles Cerise* Nor will I...

Rainbow- *glares upward* It's not you guys we're worried about.

*they all look up to see a picture of a black cat with a treble clef and a diamond*

*back at the school Cerise, Rainbow, Daring, Blueblood, and one of the three little pigs are warming up to run track while Dexter, Flash, Ashlynn, Fluttershy, Briar, Rarity, Apple, Sunset, Raven, Twilight, Cedar, Applejack, Maddie, Pinkie, Hunter and Sparrow are in the bleachers watching*

Coach Gingerbreadman: We're runnin' laps today! Which you'll find very important when some crazy old bakers try to eat you.

IronWill- Okay, now ready! Set! *whistle blows*

*the racers take off*

Kitty/Adagio- *appear out of thin air with a crate*

Raven Queen: *sees Kitty and Adagio* Kitty! Adagio!

Twilight- *sees them* *gasps*

Kitty/Adagio- *winks to Kitty's caterpillar*

*the caterpillar opens the hatch to release a stag*

*everyone keeps running but Cerise stops*

Cerise Hood: *sees the stag* *gasps* *her eyes turn yellow as her wolf instincts take over* *growls* *starts chasing the stag*

*the stag starts running*

*she runs past the other racers*

Rainbow- *notices* *worried* No...

Raven Queen: Oh, no.

Twilight- *gasps in worry*

*everyone is in shock at Cerise's speed*

*the stag runs back into the crate and locks it*

Cerise- *her eyes turn back to normal and stops in front of the crate* *horrified and puts her hood over her face*

Rainbow- *runs to her in deep worry* *defensive toward Cerise and glares at Kitty and Adagio*

Kitty: *smiles* So, Cerise! Anything you want to, um, tell us?

Adagio- *smirks* Yes, how could you run that fast dear do tell us...

Raven Queen: *thinks* *smiles* *to Cerise* Cerise, I can't believe the speed spell me and Twilight cast on your sneakers actually worked! *winks at Twilight*

Twilight- *realizes* *winks back at her*

Kitty/Adagio: *glares at Raven and Twilight* What?

Raven/Twilight: *activates their magic* *in unison* We'll show you. *casts magic on Kitty's shoes and Adagio's hooves*

Kitty/Adagio- *starts running uncontrollably in shock*

Kitty Cheshire: *running uncontrollably*No! Hey! *meows*

Adagio- *running uncontrollably* *screaming*

Cerise Hood: *comes to them* *sincerely smiles* Raven, Twilight, thanks.

Rainbow- *smiles* Yeah, we owe you guys one...

Raven/Twilight- *winks at them*

Raven Queen: Don't worry, Kitty! Adagio! It'll wear off!

Twilight- *smirks* *to Cerise and Rainbow* Eventually....

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