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"you don't have to-" yoongi knows what happened next, but lucia forces herself to finish the story.

"my dad wasn't pleased, obviously. mom was understanding but in the end, she sided with him."

"how are they treating you?"

"they only talk to me when they have to."

yoongi is speechless, lucia helpless.

how could he ever know that lucia's problems are deeper than expected?

for lucia, he isn't just a puppet she needs for temporary mending to move on with her life.

he is the anchor she needs so she can be like the rest of what society calls normal.

"can we start over?" the blonde asks.

her eyes hold a weak sign of hope, taken over by neverending sadness.

"i don't think this is the right way to handle-"

"so now you're thinking if what we're doing is right or wrong? of course it's wrong, even i can see that!" she shouts, her voice trembling midway through.

her fragile self gives in to the mental breakdown and she rephrases her words which barely come out as a whisper.

"it's wrong on so many levels, but it's the only way to redeem myself."

you've never had to redeem yourself from the beginning.

those words won't affect her and he's aware of that, so he doesn't say them out loud.

lucia doesn't just have a broken heart.

she is a broken soul who tries to manipulate herself to find happiness.

yoongi is aware that the happiness won't last for eternity if she follows that path.

who is he to judge, though?

he's not doing anything better by using her to get over asuka.

so he gives in to the temptation.

"this is your second and last chance, got it?"

take two of their relationship.

RED STRING OF FATE ( YOONGI )Where stories live. Discover now