Chapter 16

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"Good evening, ladies. Tonight we celebrate our farewell dinner and take this time to reflect on the week we've had together. For our newest girls, I hope you've had a wonderful week exploring your feminine side and will consider joining us again next summer. Unfortunately, some of the girls broke a few of the rules here and are not able to sit and enjoy this wonderful meal we are about to have. Instead they will be your servers tonight."

At this point, six campers emerged from the swinging doors carting trays of salads. They were all dressed the same in super short black dresses with black hose, shiny black patent leather pumps, and beautiful flowing blonde wigs. They looked wonderful, but these surely weren't dresses they would have chosen to wear.

Once the salads were delivered the campers dug in. Some of the older campers gave the wait-staff a hard time asking for different items, making them run back and forth to the kitchen.

The entrée was a choice of either Korean double fried chicken with a rice pilaf and country style green beans or a panko breaded pork cutlet with  Japanese curry over steamed rice.

Julie and Belinda got the pork cutlet, Terry went for chicken. Once most everyone was done with their dinner, the server boys returned carrying large trays filled with dessert; large ice cream sundaes with a choice of toppings.

The servers held their tray while each camper spooned toppings from it onto the bowl of vanilla ice cream in front of them. They each built huge decadent desserts.

"I think I'd like to come back next year just for this dessert," Belinda told them between bites.

"I want to come back next year, even if there's no desert," Julie nodded. "This has been the best week I've ever had."

"Not me," Terry chimed in.

Belinda and Julie stopped eating to stare at him.

"Look, I'm sorry," he sighed. "You've been great, both of you. I wouldn't have made it without you two, but this just isn't my thing. I don't want to act like a girl, or even just wear girl clothes. This is not my thing."

"Yeah," Belinda answered first. "I get it. You've been great though, and I'm glad we got to be friends."

"Me too," Julie nodded before slurping in another big spoonful of dessert.

As everyone was finished up, Counsellor Amy once again took her place at the center of the room, "Ladies, your attention, please."

She waited a couple moments for the room to quiet down before motioning for the servers to all line up against the wall.

"When you get back to you cabin tonight, you will find that none of the clothes you wore this week are there any more. They're all gone and the ones you were wearing when you arrived are in their place. You will need to dress in those when you get up and leave what you are currently wearing, in the closet. Do not try to take any of it home, we'll have to charge your parents for it if you do. Once you're dressed, come here for breakfast, and after that you will board your buses to return home.

"Once again, it has been a pleasure seeing you all here and I hope I get to see many of you again next year. Take care."

This was the closing statements of the night and everyone started getting up from their tables. Many of the girls were hugging and tears could be seen streaking the faces of several.

"We don't need to say any good-byes until tomorrow on the bus," Belinda spoke.

Julie nodded and saw Belinda's eyes glistening as tears formed.

The three walked into the sticky, humid night air and meandered toward their cabin. There were other groups also walking slowly toward the other cabins.

About halfway to their cabin, Terry spotted a pair of campers suspiciously wandering off between a couple of the other cabins.

"Where are they going?" he asked aloud.

Neither Julie nor Belinda answered.

"Come on," he instructed them.

"Where?" Julie asked.

"I want to see what those two are up to," Terry answered as he started in their direction.

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