chapter thirteen

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i huffed as the music stopped and flopped onto the chair. "why the fuck can't i get onto your shoulders?" i exclaimed and leaned my head onto monty's hip.

"i think i have to bend more and you have to open your legs a bit." he suggest and i nodded as i pressed the remotes play button and the song blared through the speakers.

i pushed out my hips as my feet moved with his own, our bodies were pressed together, my arms were around his neck and his were on my waist. "i can't believe you listen to nicky jam." i mumbled and he flashed me a grin. "i can't believe you listen to him either." he replied and i moved back so he could on the chair.

he stood up and span it around, i sat down and waited for him to finish his solo. he got up close and placed my thighs over his shoulders quickly. my body was lifted over his head and i arched my back so i held onto his hips.

i jumped off his back and he grabbed my hand, he spun me around and pulled my back up to his front. our bodies moved together, we were sweaty and close together, we had been practicing the same dance for three days after volunteering for the schools dance competition.

he looked so good with sweaty hair and glistening skin, his lips formed a grin as i turned back to him. "sexy." he exclaimed as i flipped my hair back since i couldn't use my hands. i wiggled my eyebrows and we both burst out laughing.

i groaned in relief as the song ended and i laid down on the floor. my hair was spread out in front of me and i stretched out my limbs.

"you are such a nerd." he chuckled and reached down to grab my hands. he pulled me back onto my feet.

"wanna try the second one?" he asked i nodded. he sat on the chair and turned on the song. i sat on the floor and kicked my legs out to the rhythm, he stood up and stood between my legs, pulled me and span me around before pressing our bodies together once again.

"no me puedo contener." i sang along and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"i spent two years in spain when i was little."

he nodded and extended his arms before lifting me up and ducking down so i could slightly jump over him.

we started dancing normally with our chests against each other and our legs rubbing against each other. it seemed so perfect and he was leaning in and so was i. "what the fuck?!" someone shouted and we turned around to see justin by the door with mcdonald's in one hand.

"fuck, bro! it's not what you think!" monty yelled out as justin stormed off. i grabbed my shoes and my jacket before sprinting after him. "justin!" i screamed after him as i ran through the wet pavement with rain falling down on us.

i grabbed his wet shirt and pulled him back, he glared at me and ripped his clothes from my grip. "please, justin! we weren't doing anything!"

"god...i'm such a fucking idiot! i actually thought that you were still in love with me..." he trailed off.

"i am, justin! i love you so much." i mumbled as i grabbed his free hand. "prove it!" he scoffed so i slammed our lips together. he tasted like coffee as usual and his lips felt amazing against my own. he pinned me up against the wall and i slipped my hand under his soaking wet shirt so my skin was against his own.

he pulled away and stared at me with a frown before pulling me against him.

"you're mine, kelsey eliza rays." he declared before kissing me again.

and we stood there kissing in the rain.

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