chapter eleven

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i leant up against a tree. my hands were bloody from digging my nails into my skin, my knees were buckling under my body and i felt weak.

i couldn't believe it.

he loves me. he loved me. he told me that he was in love with me...

he lied. it made me wonder how many other girls that there had been, how many times had he cheated and how many times i had been fooled.


i looked up to see hannah baker staring down at me with pity in her expression and a frown on her lips. "please don't call alex." i mumbled as i let her lead me across the street. she smiled sadly and pulled me into a house, i followed her to the kitchen and sat on one of the chairs.

she washed, disinfected and then bandaged up my hands. she set a cup of apple juice in front of me and sat on the chair opposite me.  i told her what happened and we sat there as she comforted me.


justin's pov

i sat on my bed as sobs escaped my lips, i had fucked up and now i had lost the only girl that truly understood me.

i had lost her again. i had broken her again.

i had broken her again...

i stood up quickly and grabbed my jacket. i had to find her, i had to find kelsey before i lost her for good.

i walked around her neighborhood for an hour or two but she wasn't there. i didn't bother to knock on the door of her house, i climbed up the closest tree and jumped onto the balcony. i peered into her window but she wasn't home.

that's when i got the call from hannah baker.

"can you come and get kelsey? she needs you right now whether she wants to or not." hannah sounded angry at me so kelsey had probably told her everything. i was mad at me too.

i practically ran to her house. i was thankful that hannah had found her. i was thankful that she had called me. i was just thankful that kelsey was okay.

i knocked on the door but hannah was probably already there. she opened it a few seconds after and pointed to the beautiful girl that asleep on her couch. i sighed and entered the house, i slipped my hands under her body and lifted her up. her arms wrapped themselves around me automatically and it felt so good.

i leaned down and kissed her forehead as i carried her back home. my eyes were puffy and my legs hurt but she was okay and with me.

she was going to be mine again.

screwed up || justin foleyWhere stories live. Discover now