chapter one

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i tapped my pen on my notebook as my eyes followed mrs. bradley. she was reading some stupid notes from the classes paper bag. zach dempsey burst out laughing as she finished and everyone's eyes dropped onto him.

"i'm sorry, mrs. bradley! b-but who w-would write that?" he continued to laugh and i clenched my teeth. "i wrote it." i exclaimed and he immediately stopped laughing. his eyes locked with mine as well as the rest of the class, i hadn't been the one to write it but it wasn't something to joke about.

"you did what?" montgomery gulped as the words probably replayed in his head. i turned back to my table and skye miller sent me a wink. she knew i hadn't wrote it and she knew who had, it was a napkin from monet's and she must've seen them writing it.

"just fuck off, de la cruz." i mumbled and mrs. bradley sent me a look that told me more than words. she also knew that i hadn't written it but she didn't appreciate the swearing so i looked down at the table and let her continue the class.

i waited for class to end and for everyone to walk out before going up to my own paper bag that had my curly handwriting and badly drawn stars in purple ink. i took out several note that were probably from guys since they all had winky faces and stupid pick up lines.

i walked out of room and over to my locker that was across the hall, i unlocked it and placed my books in the small space. "are you okay?" a voice asked making me turn to see the one and only, justin foley.

"what do you want, justin?" i asked as i ignored his previous question. "i just want to know if you're okay, you dropped out of cheerleading and chess and photography. you stopped talking to me and then you write that note..." he mumbled and i scoffed.

"i didn't write that fucking note, justin, and even if i did then i don't see why you would give a shit." i exclaimed as i slammed the door shut and made my way down the corridor towards the doors.

he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, "kelsey, don't fucking ignore me! i'm worried about you..." i cut him off.

"because i broke up with you, right?" i ripped my arm away from his grasp and continued to storm out of the school leaving him shocked in the middle of the hall with everyone's eyes on us.

screwed up || justin foleyWhere stories live. Discover now