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I'm gonna copy and paste this for all my stories;

Okay, so I'm writing a three-act play that needs to be completed by June 2019. I know that seems pretty far but by completed I mean;

The layout completed, everything looked over, all scripts written and put together, characters set up and ready for casting, a place for auditions located, and costume ideas at the ready for when they need to be gotten.

I graduate in 2020 and I want to have this cast and ready to perform by at the most, the end of the school year. I figured that 11 months should be enough to get casted, costumes and props to be gotten, and ready to be performed but I need help >.<

If anyone would like to help with any of the following please leave a comment on the item and I'll message you personally or you can contact me on Kik @paperthinrevolution

Best Place to Find Costumes & Props-


Helping with the layout-

Setting up Characters-

Setting up Costumes for Each Character-

If there's anything else you'd like to help with that isn't listed, again please message me either here or on Kik.

Thank's guys!! :D 

Theodosia She's Mine (Hamilton Smut and Story) Where stories live. Discover now