7 - The Son in Law

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The old man, Joker Hardball, had a few drinks too many again. Most of the usual patrons of the Campanile Hotel bar know him well. They used to ignore this tactless and rude old man. He has no volume control and tact. He shouts disrespectful remarks at anyone full blast.

Today there is a quiet couple, John and Mary, from out of town trying to enjoy a peaceful drink together. Joker irritates them for a while now. They can hardly hear each other. When Joker bumps into their table and spills Mary's drink John acts instinctively and grabs Joker and pushes him away. Joker stumbles over a table behind him and falls while John shouts down at him. "Stop your nonsense now, old man!"

Joker scrambles angrily to his feet and shouts back at John: "O, you disrespect an old man! I shall call my son in law and he will sort you out! He is a body builder!"

"Whatever, I warn you old man, I am going to smack you hard. Let us drink in peace now."

Joker left the bar shouting threats of how his son in law is going to sort John out. John ignores him and orders another round.

They were busy drinking another round when Mary points with her eyes to the entrance. Joker is back with his son in law. A giant of a man follows Joker into the bar. He looks three times the size of a normal man from all the huge expanded and hard muscles. Even his neck had disappeared behind muscle. They are heading to John and Mary's table.

Joker sits down at their table uninvited and grins at John. His son in law is standing behind him and glares at John. "I hear you say you are going to smack my father in law. Smack this old man and you'll see what will happen."

The words were hardly said and John slaps the grin off Joker's face so lightning fast everybody just hear the shot and saw his grin disappeared but nobody even saw John move. His son in law looks surprised. "Hit him again and you'll see what happen!"

John hit him hard with his fist this time. He hit him so fast everyone just hear the shot and see his head rocks violently but never even saw John move.

His son in law glares at John. "Hit him just one more time again. Just one time again and you'll see what happens."

John stands up this time and roll up his sleeves. He dances around light on his feet while he looks the son in law in the eyes. Nobody sees John move towards Joker for he moved so fast so that it looks he is still only dancing when they hear the hard shot and Joker falls off the stool moaning on the floor in agony holding his face.

The muscular son in law bends down dumbfounded and helps Joker up. "Come, let's go dad, we better get out of here. Here they are going to hit you until you're dead."

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