3 - The fussy Dogs

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"I am Roger Dodger on live radio here in DumpsterTown. I am reporting for Gossip News radio on the standoff between the police and angry residents of DumpsterTown. They are petitioning about the poor services. The power is now already down for weeks and there is no running water. It is a big crowd of unhappy residents. Wait! They are storming the police. Sergeant Firestone is lifting his microphone to shout instructions over the police, public address system."

"Fire the water cannons!"

"The water cannons are firing. The force of the strong streams of water drives the crowd back. The cannons stop. They must be out of water. Here the crowd comes again. Firestone is lifting the microphone again."

"Fire the tear gas!"

"The tear gas is hitting the crowd all over. They stop and fall back. They crawl on the ground in obvious agony from the burning pepper. They are crying and kicking like cockroaches on the ground. Wait, I cannot believe it they are slowly standing up again and gathering themselves. Here they storm again. Firestone is lifting his microphone again."

"Attack them with the batons."

"The police are storming them with shields and batons like Vikings. They are pounding the crowd hard. The crowd is falling down like dummies. The police keep on hitting them. The crowd crawls on the ground screaming. The police are falling back. It looks like they hit the last riot out of these people. Wait, they are slowly standing up again. Can you believe it, they are storming again! Firestone is lifting his microphone again."

"Release the dogs!"

"The dogs are storming the crowd. The crowd is scattering. Everyone is splitting up. They run away in all directions. There is nobody left. The riot is over. I am walking to Firestone now. Hallo, sergeant Firestone, why did you wait so long to send in the dogs? They are obviously very effective."

"Yeah, Roger Dodger of Gossip News, these dogs are very effective but also extremely fussy. They first want their meat well cleaned, pickled and tenderized before they would chase after any."

Via the GrapevineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora