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The buzzing sound of the my phone pulled me out of a restless slumber. My head was clouded and the clock upon the nightstand flashed a blurry; 2:59AM and then 3AM. I expected the word Mamá to be displayed on the screen of my buzzing device, but taking her place was you.

I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and sat up. I answered the phone and was silent for a few moment before saying anything.


"Sorry, did I wake you?" You said, your words dredged in sarcasm.

I rolled my eyes playfully; as if you were right there with me. "No." I said. "I was just having a charming conversation with some unicorns and a merman." I smirked to myself as I pushed my hair out of my eyes. My room was dark and the only light came from a crack underneath the door.

"Well I'm sorry to interrupt. Should I call back later?"

"Tempting offer, but I'd rather hear all about what it is that you called me for."

You were quiet for a moment. You didn't say a word and in that time I missed the sound. It was three in the morning, but it all felt far too silent. I could hear the buzzing of my charging laptop and the sound of the mini fridge in the corner of my dorm. It seemed like you were all the sound and when you fell silent I didn't just hear it, but I felt it.

"You there?" I whispered lightly into the phone.


There was something in your voice. Something that told me to be careful of what I said next.

"What's on your mind?" I turned over and laid onto my back. It seemed like there was a lot on your mind, and I was more than ready to hear it all. I was more than ready to hear your beautiful voice paint picturesque images out of words for me.

"At the moment, you." I could feel the heat in my cheeks as blood rushed there. "Meeting you was like a reunion." I could hear the smile within your voice. "I feel as if I've known you."

I felt as if I could say the same. Everything about you seemed vaguely familiar. Like a blurry memory I could barely make out. You were like an old friend even though we barely knew one another.

"Like meeting an old friend."

"Exactly." You said. I could hear you shuffling around. The sound of ruffled sheets fill the void of sound and replaced your voice. "Sofía?"


"I can't help but notice how many words you spat at me that day in the library." The silence found its way into our conversation once more. I allowed it to take root simply waiting for your voice to come again. "Are you a writer?" You asked. "Or just a logophile?"

I chuckle as I laid there in the darkness. I was alone, but if I closed my eyes it was almost as if you were there with me. It was almost as if I could reach out and touch you.

A small smile met my lips as my eyes began to grow heavy with sleep again. I fell silent for so long that you thought I had left you alone, but still said nothing.

My eyes opened after almost sleep decided to leave me alone. My blinking was slow and steady. My voice still having rasp.

"Sorry." I said softly. "Yes. Both." I added.

I liked to believe that writing was the one thing that no one could tell me I was bad at. It was something that opened up the doors to me; exposing who I truly was.

"Are you a writer?" I already knew the answer. How could someone so well spoken not be?

"Writing; for she was my first love."

I feel my lids getting heavy again and looked over at the clock upon my nightstand; 3:59AM flashed in a dull green.

"Hey, do me a favor, Sofía."

"What is it?"

"Never call me unless it's 3AM and you're going to say something profound." My smile widened. "Always text me in verses of prose and poetry. I want to have to interpret what you're saying even when you're just asking me to meet up at 115th Ave." You paused. Your words lull me into a comfortable state between slumber and wakefulness. "Sofía?"


"Go to sleep."

I smirked lightly as I turned onto my side. "That's not poetic." I teased.


I let out tired laughter. "Yes?"

"Rest your head upon your pillow and fall. Allow your body and your soul to divorce for but a moment of utter tranquility. Let the sounds of this life temporarily fade into background noise as you enter a world of your own." You paused. My attention is entirely yours.

My mind hung onto every word you said as they fell from your lips. Each word seemed to kiss me softly in the darkness before entering the doorway of my conscious mind.

"And Sofía, dream." You added.

With that our conversation ended, but I was no longer tired. My thoughts swarmed with you.

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