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It had been a weekend or two and I had done well with keeping up with my assignments. I did not go to the library in that entire time, but I still thought about you every now and then. There was something about you that just stuck out in my memory. Something that kept the memory of you vivid.

It was Friday evening and I wanted to renew Personality. Mainly because I hoped that you would be there. I hoped that I would see you.

The library was damn near empty. Why wouldn't it be? It was Friday after all. I walked around to the counter and tried not to smile when I saw you. I felt odd about the fact that seeing you made me want to smile. You were strange and annoying, but there was something about that that I liked.

"Hello." You said as I walked up to the desk.

"Hi." I said, coldly. "Just rechecking out."

You nodded and took the book from me. "How is it so far?"

I shrugged as I looked around the emptiness of the library. I allowed my eyes to settle upon you. "It's alright. I'm not really reading it like a story, just reading the pages I'm given to read." I nodded awkwardly.

You took my library card and swiped it before handing it back to me and typing into the computer. I wanted to keep the conversation going. I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to pick your brain. I simply had no idea how to do so.

"Do you remember me?" It slipped out, and as soon as it did I wanted to sink into the floor out of embarrassment.

You continued typing. You remained silent for so long I almost believed that you didn't hear me.

"I remember you." You said at last. "Credulous girl with the loud shoes."

My eyes widened as I looked at you. You looked as if you were about to say something, but I beat you to the punch.

"Well if I'm credulous, then you're anomalous."

You paused for a moment in thought before saying, "If I'm anomalous, then you're guileless."

"If I'm guileless, then you're eccentric."

You looked at me and smirked. As if you were saying, challenge accepted.

"If I'm eccentric, then you're ingenuous."

"If I'm ingenuous, then you're aberrant."

"Well if I'm aberrant, then you're-" Your voice trailed off for a moment. I thought I had won, but you broke the silence with an unexpected word. "Congenial."

"Congenial?" I questioned. You nodded. "Then you're simpatico."

This was odd. I wasn't sure what was going on, but I liked it. I liked the friendly banter that we had entered into. I was actually saddened that it had ended.

I smiled at you and you actually returned the favor. It seemed real this time. Your lips curled at the edges, your eyes seemed to glow; this smile seemed real.

"I'm actually, Nick."

"And I'm actually, Sofía."

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