"Alison may be my wife now, but she's not going to be tied to me forever." My gaze softened. I leaned in and rested my forehead against his muscular shoulder. An idea popped into my head. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled. The sheet fell down to my back, but I didn't care.

"I brought a purse full of things from before you left.. Do you wanna look at them?" His face brightened and he nodded. I didn't care about Alison anymore, and neither did he. We had each other for the moment, and we didn't mind. It was our chance to be who we once were, even if he didn't remember perfectly. I grabbed my purse from the couch and set it on my lap. I gestured for Ezra to come sit next to me. He came over and sat down next to me. He pulled me into his lap and I unzipped the purse, seeing all of the old things I kept from years ago. I smiled at the warm memories of that time..my past life.

"This is from when I met-" I pulled out the dart from the bag and gave it to him, and as soon as he saw it, he interrupted me.

Hardy pulled his arm back before throwing the dart at the board, nearly hitting the waitress giving a table their beers.

"So, I bring her back to my place," Hardy was telling the story of hooking up with some random girl at Hollis. "And this dork, starts laughing!" Aria grinned and turned to him.

"You laugh in your sleep?" He blushed and nodded. "That's cute."

"Hardy. From when you met Hardy." I smiled at him in awe. This was brilliant, I was suddenly ecstatic that I had brought my purse of memories with me. "Keep showing me our stuff." My heart leapt when he said 'our' and I reached back in pulling out one of his old shirts.

"This is, um, from our..first time together." I ran my fingers against the blue flannel. It was my favorite shirt that he had, it lost his smell long ago but was a constant reminder that he once belonged to me. I studied him as his gaze became dazed, then he finally snapped back to the present and made eye contact with me, smirking.

"I remember that." I blushed and he kissed each cheek where the blood had rushed to before he kissed my lips again. I broke apart though, I wanted to show him everything. I wanted him to remember everything.

I found a bracelet and necklace from when we recreated our first date. We made it our anniversary.


"Do you know what this weekend is?" I watched as a younger version of me sat next to a younger version of...Aria! A younger version of us both were sitting on the same couch that was in this same apartment. Her feet were rested my his lap, my lap, and there was only love for each other in their eyes.

"How could I forget?" She stood and walked over to the fridge. "Labor Day is the anniversary of Alison's death."

Well that explains the missing poster in the Snooker's memory...that must've been Aria in the Snooker's memory too then, right? I interrupted my own train of thought.

"Or, I was about to start a teaching job, and you thought you might like to teach..." He followed her out to the kitchen and pointed at her accusingly, smirking at her. "Was that true or were you just hitting on me?"

"Did you really play B26 or were you just hitting on me?" She countered, he chuckled.

"Can we make this..our anniversary?" I watched as the younger version of myself moved closer to Aria's younger version. "Instead of Alison's."

They talked about the book I was reading from the Snooker's memory and finally, something happened.

"I'm just a hopeless romantic...I thought we could..recreate the date." He smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

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