Chapter 12

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"Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it." -André Gide


"It's been forever, hasn't it?" I could hear the sarcasm running thickly in his voice.

"Jason." I whispered, in all honesty, I was still scared of the creep. He knew everything about me and everything I thought I knew about him, well...those were all lies.

"You look nice."

"What are you doing here?" I asked, ignoring his comment.

He shrugged and chuckled once. "Well, for one, I know what happened with Riley. I know who did that to your brother...and I know who's behind everything." He walked casually over and sat down next to me on the cement step.

"How? How do you know those things?" He laughed again.

"Come on, know me." I remained silent, waiting for him to tell me what he knew.

"I don't think I do...can you just tell me what you know?"

"Oh, c' have to have some idea of who's behind this!" I shook my head, waiting again.

"I don't. I don't know who would want to hurt Mike...or Riley."

"Think, Aria. I gotta go. You should check on Mike. I'm sure he remembers something. Or someone." Jason stood and started walking back in the direction that he had appeared from.

"Wait! Jason! What do you mean?" He didn't stop or turn around, but I could hear him chuckle again.

"You know my number when you want to talk to me!" I heard him call and then he was gone.

Why the hell would I want to ever call Jason? I shook my head in disgust, that was helpless. I sighed and walked back inside the hospital. Mike was sleeping, but he was holding something in his hand. A piece of paper?

Mike Montgomery

6234 Elmwood Street

I need you to take care of this..he's trouble and you need to make sure he doesn't remember anything.


My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Ezra? Ezra wouldn't have wanted Mike hurt, he didn't know Mike! He didn't remember either of us. Why would he write this? Either someone seriously had a sick mind and this was a joke, or someone was trying way too hard to make Ezra look guilty.

I left Mike in the hospital that night taking the note with me. I drove home absentmindedly. When I opened the door to the apartment it was already midnight and Spencer and Hardy were asleep in each other's arms. Seeing them just brought on more pain.

"Stay with me! Please?" She whined as Ezra started to stand. It was the night of the same day Aria broke up with Jake. Ezra and Aria had shared cake and officially gotten back together. Things had nearly gotten out of hand, but Ezra put a stop to it before they got carried away with the whipped cream.

"I just have to do something real quick." Ezra murmured, kissing her head. He had left a few papers about Alison and his book out and he just wanted to put them away. He didn't know how to tell Aria and he didn't want his past to ruin his entire present and future relationship with her - especially since they had just gotten back together.

"No you don't." Aria pouted her lip at him. "I want you with me. All night."

That was enough to make Ezra stay, forgetting about the papers, he kissed the top of her head before he readjusted them so that she was laying into his chest with her feet spread across the couch. He wrapped his arms securely around her and rested his feet on the coffee table.

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