The Myth

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In the beginning there were three parents: Sun, Moon, and Earth. Each produced an offspring. From sun was produced the man; from earth, the woman; from moon, the androgyne.

Each of these three was a double, one head with two faces looking out in opposite directions with the eye color of one face differing from the other, four arms and legs, and two sets of genitalia. They moved about on the earth with a great deal more freedom and power than humans do now.

One day, Apollo visited his father — Zeus — delivering a fate similar to Cronus. This time the one who will dethrone the Gods of Olympus is the humans. Zeus felt apprehensive about the prevision of Apollo hence he started formulating plans to stop it.

Shooting the humans down with thunderbolts seems like a boring plan for Zeus. They had done that before to the giants. Besides, who would pour out their ambrosia and offer sacrifices to them if they destroyed their worshipers? They had to formulate a new punishment.

Zeus thought and thought. Finally he had an epiphany. Humans weren't a real threat, but they did need a severe reproving. They would not be a danger to the Gods anymore if they lost their speed, strength, and confidence. Zeus decided that if they were cut in half, they would be only half as fast and half as strong. Even better, it was a reusable plan. Should they still be a threat, he would repeat the punishment, leaving them with only one leg and one arm each.

After he revealed his plan to his fellow Olympians, he asked Apollo to join him in putting it into effect. The king of the Gods cut the man-man, woman-woman, and man-woman creatures in half and Apollo made the necessary repairs.

Apollo still loves the humans even after seeing the future. He made it easier for them to find each other without Zeus' knowledge. Only he could see the true colors of their eyes. To other Gods all of them have the same brown eyes; unlike before that they vary in eye color. Apollo fixed their eyes to be mixed and matched hence making the right one their own natural eye color and the left one to their soulmate

After the surgery, the half creatures ran around frantically looking for their other halves, seeking them out, embracing them, and trying to join together again. Unable to join, the creatures despaired and began to starve to death in their sorrow.

Zeus, again mindful of his need for worship, decided something must be done to recharge the creatures' spirits, so he instructed Apollo to create a means to rejoin temporarily. Apollo did this by giving them organs – sexual organs.

Before, mankind had procreated by dropping a little of their essence on the ground. This new system created an interesting new means of producing offspring.

The creatures who had been double women before, naturally sought out women; those who had been androgynous, sought out members of the opposite gender; those who had been double men, sought out the company of men, and not simply for intercourse, but so they could become whole again by being rejoined with their soul mates.

Zeus, even after the whole ordeal, is still threatened by the prophecy. Afraid to lose the power that he has, he decides to capture all the humans or Celestials as what Olympians call them, to stop the oncoming doom of their reign. Wrath was bestowed to those unfortunate ones that weren't able to escape.

Some of the runaways grieved and died for not being able to take their Anima Bessona with them. Those that survived without their other half prayed and begged to the three Fates to grant them another lifetime with them.

Years later, a new found drive to live on was bestowed to the Celestials by an oracle; professing about a savior that will be born on the night of the red moon. The Raddare is said to be strong, stronger than them, and the only one who could fuse back with their other half. She will be their aid in getting back their people; who's tortured and locked up for reasons unknown to them.

Centuries passed after the dark era, things changed, along with the Olympians creating a new generation of humans – humans who are different from them. They're powerless yet thinks they're above others. They're naïve yet thinks they know it all. The Celestials learned to hide amongst them while they wait for the Raddare and strengthen their remaining people for the looming war.

Disclaimer: I do not own the original Greek myth about soulmates; I only tweaked it for the story.

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