"It's good to see you came, Bey. I was worried you wasn't coming." He tried to pull her into a hug, but my mother backed up a bit and gave him a small smile.

"I'm only coming for Keith, if it wasn't for him trust I would be in Houston with my other two babies and husband." Hearing husband and kids made that smile on my father's face disappear.

"Speaking of that, you know Kenneth did tell me you had another baby. No wonder you look like you gain weight." Damn grandma, why are you trying my mom.

My mom chuckled, "Caroline you really want me to be disrespectful to you and I don't understand why. You are worse than your son when it comes to our divorce. Build that damn bridge and get over it. And yes, I did have my son six months ago and I look damn good for a woman who has had three kids."

"Actually, you would have had five kids, but let me not go there."

"Mom!" my dad yelled, but my grandmother shrugged her shoulders as if she didn't do anything wrong.

"What I'm just speaking the truth. The girl never likes to claim the other pregnancies she had." I looked over to see my mother looking mad as hell. Her usual light hazel brown eyes, were now dark. I could just see the steam coming from her ears.

My dad tried to calm her down but she just pushed him away, "I'm leaving before I end up catching a case dealing with this old hag. Lexi, you can either come with me to check in our hotel or you can stay with you dad. Either one is fine with me."

I wanted to go with my mother to calm her down, but I also wanted to stay with my father since I haven't seen him in a while.

My mother made the decision for me "You know what just stay with him. Y'all need to bond with each other anyways." I was going to protest but she left before I could.

"Mom you were out of line. Beyoncé is sensitive when it comes to that."

She waved him off, "That little girl always acts as if she has never done wrong. She lucky I didn't bring up that husband of hers."

I guess my father remembered I was in the room because he grabbed my hand and told my grandmother we would be back later.

"Are you hungry?"

"Definitely am. That was a long 3-hour drive."


"How's everything been with you?" My father asked as I took a bite out of my burger. He drove us to culvers and I was in heaven eating my butter bacon cheese burger.

"Everything has been great. School wise and personally."

"That's good, I know I haven't been checking up on you like that. But I promise I will get better Lexi. Your grandfather passing away is a bit hard to deal with, but this is also a blessing in disguise because now I can come see you often without having to worry about taking care of him."

I nodded my head and ate a fry, "You said this before granddad got sick though. Remember when Kelly and Titian needed your attention at the time so you put me on the back burner to tend to them."

He gave a disappointing look, "I'm really a bad father huh"

"No, you aren't. You just don't know how to balance between me and your other priorities. I feel like you think since mom and Shawn picks up the slack you don't have to put much effort in to being there for me."

"It kills me to see another man help raise you. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate it but it still hurts because at one point it was just you, me, and your mother. Then if that accident never happened, it would have been your little brother as well."

Something New III (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now