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Hi! I'm Ajax, as you probably already know. I would like to say some things about myself, then, if you comment a question for me, I'd be ecstatic to answer you! Well, I'm __ years old (hehehe), my favorite band in BTS, I enjoy K-Dramas, my favorite so far is 'Click Your Heart'. You should check it out! I might find a way to put a link at the end of this. My favorite color is pink, and I'm American, but my ancestry is legit EVERYWHERE! First second, I think my last name is Scandinavian, the next I learn it's in fact Bulgarian! It's pretty tough, but hey, I can live with it. I'm trying to get into soccer/football, and I LOVE hockey! I'm pretty boring, huh? Yeah, thought so.

SQUEE I CAN COPY IT YAY! So, thats my fave K-Drama ⬇️


Check out "Click Your Heart" on Netflixhttps://www

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Check out "Click Your Heart" on Netflix

You don't have to watch it, but I think it's fantastic! If you watch, please comment below! Bye my WonderMochi's!

The Testaments of a Dreamer: My Autobiography Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin