ii. pretty brown eyes

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pretty brown eyes

        WHEN THE BELL rang for class to end, it was Flynn who had been first to pack up his things.

With the exquisite grace of a newborn foal he rushed and stumbled towards the door while throwing his backpack over his shoulders. After completing the class assignment too quickly he'd found himself stewing in the silence, with only his boredom to keep him busy. A major issue of Flynn's was that he simply can't help himself sometimes and pushes way too hard. His need to please his parents by being the best at... well, everything, often did more harm than good.

Twirling a pen between his fingers he'd stared at the back of Betty Brant's head as though the honey blonde locks were fascinating. By the end of the period he was incredibly sick of being stuck in that classroom.

Only when he was stood in the slowly filling hallway did it feel like he could finally breathe again. For a moment he simply stayed still, taking a second to ponder the idea of waiting for Harry.

Though quickly he decided it was probably best for him not to wait for his best friend seeing as Harry often chose to walk with Peter to their next shared period, much to Flynn's disdain.There it was. Another thing to add to the ever growing list of reasons for him to wholeheartedly dislike said irritating specimen, the constant thorn in his side.

Peter happened to also be friends with not only Harry, but also Gwen. In the long run it made the rivalry between the two boys just that much more difficult to deal with. Being in a shared a friend group meant them actually having to spend time together. Whenever the group got together everyone  made sure to keep a good distance between Peter and Flynn. Sometimes one of them would decide last minute no to go to group events. On some occasions half of the pair would have to leave early to cut the tension.

All their friends knew it was for the better.

Even if they wanted the brainiacs to get along eventually they started to give up on the dream considering almost anything could be the catalyst to an argument.

As he weaved his way throughout the hallways Flynn kept his head down hoping that he'd just stay unnoticed.

Though, he was never that lucky.

"Jeez, aren't you the antisocial one today?" A voice says from behind him, loud enough for him to hear it, but still keeping a kindness to the tone.

Upon hearing this a smile spread across Flynn's face. A head of bouncy red curls came into view.

Mary Jane Watson, his other best friend. A true light in his life. They had been close ever since he helped her get out of her house after her awful father came home drunk one night and felt particularly aggressive.

Flynn absolutely hated that man.

Now that she was next to him, he looked down at her. When he saw the small flower necklace he'd gotten Mary Jane for her 13th birthday, he felt the urge to hug her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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