Chapter 2- My Life On The Isle

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"Ah, the Isle of the Lost" I said. "Better than that stinking island I was stranded on." I looked back at my crewmates and they all seemed relieved to be free from captivity. "Gil, I need you to send a message to whoever the leader of this place is and tell them Evos has arrived." I said to my quartermaster. "Aye aye" he said and took off. "The rest of you lot are welcome to do anything you like." I said to the crew and they cheered.

A few hours later, I was greeted by an old friend. "What can I do for you Mal my old friend?" I asked her. "I need your help, I have a prisoner who won't tell me anything." She said. "Questioning a prisoner is my specialty." I said with an evil grin.

"Excellent." She said evilly. "Follow me."

I arrive at her lair and out of the corner of my eye I see the prisoner. "Well hello there" I said evilly. "This is Kaya Ansley, I presume?" I asked Mal. "Yes, but I can't get anything out of her." She said. "Good thing I'm here" I told her while I was tucking a brand of the prisoner's hair behind her ear. She tried to bite my index finger, but I luckily pulled away keeping my anger cool.

"You gotta fiesty one, mate." I said to Mal. "I want that wand of hers" she said. "So I can rule the world." Mal added grinning evilly. "Sounds like a great idea" I said. "I'll get her talking in no time." I added grinning oh so evilly scaring the prisoner. "I'll never talk. Never!" Kaya yelled. "Oh, but you will. Even if I have to beat you to within an inch of your life." I said threatningly.

And with that, me, Mal, Jay, and Carlos went to work on the torture.

To Be Continued on Chapter 3

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