Welcome to the Dollhouse

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Three can keep a secret if two of them is dead.

Four girls just having fun at the end of the year sleepover that their friend, Arianna, had been planning since the beginning of 8th grade year.

"Hey pass me some of that drink the one in the red cup please." said Kia.

"Has anyone seen Arii, she was supposed to be here a long time ago." Jax stated.

"Who knows she's always likes to be fashionably late for these kind of things." Paola answered.

Then they heard a knock at the barn door; they were all having a sleepover there Jax backyard Arii wanted hold to sleep over there.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one that heard that?" Nicky asked

Kia quickly grabbed a flashlight and turned it on. They all stood behind Kia as they all walked to the barn door. When they got closer to the door it was shot open by the roaring winds of the rain.

As they got closer to the barn doors, Arii had jumped out in front of them and scared them.

"Scared you didn't I?" she laughed.

"Arii you shouldn't play around like that, that isn't funny." Jax stated, Arii rolled her eyes.

"So now that I'm here we can finally get this sleepover started" Arii walked into the barn, "Which one is my seat?"

Paola patted the seat next to her signaling Arii that was her seat. Arii walked over and sat by her.

They all sat down and Kia asked for another drink.

"Woah, careful Kia drink too much and you'll tell us all your secrets." Nicky joked.

"That isn't so bad, friends share secrets that's what keeps them close." Arii grinned.

After a while everyone have passed out they were all asleep. Then they were awoken by a scream that all woke up looked at the barn door.

"Where's Arii?" Kia asked rubbing her eyes.

"That sounded like her scream." Paola said standing up.

Soon they were all awoke searching around the barn for Arii. Then they turn around and see Jax, coming back in from the rain soaked by the water.

"She's gone."

One year later the exact same day no one had heard anything about Arii and her being gone. Soon the girls stop talking to each other they weren't best friends anymore, they weren't the it girl group, ever since Arii was gone everything just seemed different, but then after the whole year they all come back and they're going to be brought together again.

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