Seeing Liam Again

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Chapter 4

Being at Beacon Hills High School was like entering a whole new world. Everyone was so different than I had even seen before. The people were so much happier than my school despite that fact that danger was always in danger. It was all so new to me but I knew no matter what I would not be alone.

I looked to Lydia and I said...

"So this is Beacon Hills High School," I said.

"Yeah it is," Lydia said.

I looked down for a moment and thought about my job and I realized I had been totally blinded by everything that was happening lately.

For a moment I think Lydia caught my eye and then she said...

"Don't worry, you'll fit right in," Lydia said smiling.

"I'm not worried, I am going to crush this school," I said while laughing.

In my heart I knew that it was true. This was going to be so easy...

As we headed across the field, I saw every inch of the school. There was people playing lacrosse, picnic benches where people sat and music being played. It looked amazing.

All of a sudden I saw the pack; Scott, Malia and Stiles. With Lydia at my side we both walked towards one the picnic benches and immediately sat down.

"Hey guys," I said, not quite sure what else I should say.

"Hey," Scott responded.

"So, what exactly do you want me to tell you?" I asked, wanting to get straight to the point.

"Firstly, I want the truth," Malia stated.

"Well what exactly do you want me to tell you?" I asked.

"Firstly, what are you?" Malia asked.

"Ok, I am a werecoyote. Like you," I answered.

"Ok. Secondly, why are you even here in the first place?" Malia asked.

"To help out with The Ghost Riders," I asked, trying to keep my heart steady as I knew she was trying to find out the truth and I could not have her knowing the truth.

"Ok. Can we trust you?" Malia asked.

"Malia, stop!" Lydia demanded.

"Lydia, we need to know this," Malia said back.

"Yes," I answered.

"Ok. How do you know all this?" Malia asked.

"It happened once, in a town I lived in," I replied.

"Really?, and what happened?" Malia continued asking.

"Malia, stop!" Stiles demanded.

"The Ghost Riders took everyone," I said.

"Interesting. How come they didn't take you?" Malia asked.

"Malia!" Scott yelled.

We all stopped and stared.

"That's enough!" Scott continued.

"They didn't take me because I got away. Because I freed myself!" I said, with tears streaming down my cheeks.

Everyone was silent.

"It's that what you wanted to here, I left everyone!" I cried, and with that I walked away from the pack.

I had never thought of all people, Malia would be the one to interrogate me. I never thought she would make me cry. I brushed away my tears immediately, not wanting anyone to see me cry. Then all of a sudden I saw Liam again.

He looked just as hot and I remembered. His brown spiky hair, his blue crystal eyes. He was my heaven.

"Liam!" I exclaimed, walking towards him happily, trying to forget what just happened.

"Valerie!, I didn't realise you went to Beacon Hills High School," Liam said.

"Oh no I don't, I just came here to meet with the pack," I explained.

"So you met them, I see," he stated.

"Yeah. Yeah I did..." I said, looking down at the floor.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Oh nothing," I answered.

"You sure?" Liam asked me again.

"Yeah," I replied.

"So anyway, I wanted to thank you for helping me with my car," he said.

"How exactly do you want to thank me?" I asked.

"I want to ask you, if you would possibly like to, sort of go out with me?" Liam asked.

"Are you asking me out on date?" I asked, blushing a little.

"Well, yeah," Liam confirmed.

"I would love to," I said.

"Great!" exclaimed Liam.

I had never seen him this happy. He was amazing in my eyes. I felt like a child with him. It made my heart warm.

As we were stuck in a moment, all of a sudden Lydia walked up to us...

"Hey guys. Hey Valerie, sorry about Malia, sometimes she just has these moments and-" Lydia began.

"Wait?, what happened?" Liam asked, looking really confused.

"Oh well, Malia and I had a misunderstanding. Nothing to worry about," I said, thinking quickly.

There was a moment of silent as we all stared at one another. Lydia looked at me and I looked at her trying to tell her to shut up and not say another word. I could not let Liam find out I cried. It would have been humiliating.

"So, what are you guys talking about?" Lydia asked.

"Regular stuff, nothing interesting," I said.

"Yeah, nothing interesting," Liam agreed, I think he realised that we do not want to go into detail about how he just asked me out. It would have been way to awkward.

All of a sudden, the bell rung, like safety ringing in my ears. I looked at them and they looked at me, we smiled for a moment before...

"What are you going to do while we go to class?" Lydia asked.

"Oh I already have somewhere to be," I said, not thinking about what just popped out of my mouth.

"But you said you just moved here," Liam said.

"Oh, yeah, right, I mean, I am taking a tour of Beacon Hills. I mean I have to get to know it if I am going live here, at least for a little while," I said, trying to sound as convincing as possible and trying to keep my heart steady incase Liam used his wolf hearing to tell I was lying.

"Oh, ok. We'll see you later then," Lydia said, walking away with Liam and the pack and heading into the school.

As I turned to walk away, I felt my heart beat normally and my breathing go steadily now. I couldn't believe I had gotten away with it. I had been so close to being caught. Phew, I thought, lucky me. Now there was only one thing left on my mind, The Animal Clinic...

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