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When Hank landed the jet, Logan stepped off first and walked with Joanna in his arms to the mansion. Rogue ran after him and opened the door for him. "Get the professor to the medical room!", Logan yelled as Rogue went to the professor's office. Logan went into the elevator and headed underneath the mansion. Logan ran to the medical wing and laid Joanna down on the table. He was about to walk out when he heard her voice. "Logan? What happened?" Logan turned around and said, "Your dark power broke out. It was very dangerous because we almost couldn't stop you." Joanna sat up and looked at her hands. "Did I hurt anyone?", she said with tears threatening to pour out. Logan walked to her and said, "No but you probably scared the shit out of them. You basically told them off and threatened to kill every last one of them if they continued their experiments on us." Joanna slightly laughed and Logan placed a hand on her face. She shut her eyes and touched his hand. "I thought I was going to lose you.", he said. Joanna looked at him and said, "How did you stop me?" Logan's hand retreated back to his side as he said, "I tackled you to the ground before you could get back in the air. You pushed me off of you and jumped at me but I grabbed you by the neck and threw you down. Then I rammed a syringe into your neck." Joanna sat up and swung her legs to the side of the table. Logan moved between her legs and held her face. "You really scared me. Your eyes were crystal white and your voice was as shrill as a bird's screech.", Logan said. Joanna looked at him and said, "If I hurt you, I couldn't live with myself." Logan was about to kiss her but the professor interrupted them. "Joanna. Is it true?", he asked as he came closer. "Professor... it's true. I'm the Thunderbird.", Joanna said. Logan stepped back as Joanna laid back down. The professor put a contraption on her head to read her mind and subdue her. Logan turned to leave he room but Joanna grabbed his hand. "Restrain me Logan. I don't want to hurt anyone.", she begged. Logan nodded as she laid back down. He restrained her wrists, waist and ankles. The professor turned his wheelchair around to the monitors and Logan kissed Joanna deeply. "I love you Joanna." Logan backed away from Joanna and left the room. He was met by Rogue and Bobby after he exited. "Is she going to be ok?", they asked. Logan looked back at the door and said, "I don't know but whatever she is, is going to be deadly." They waited outside the room until the doors opened and the professor came out. "How is she?", Logan asked. The professor sighed and replied, "I've put her under so that she can't wreak havoc for a while. I think she's going to be fine." Logan looked at his feet and said, "What did you see in her?" Rouge and Bobby had silently walked away from them as the professor said, "I saw something dark. Darker than what I saw in Jean. If Joanna is really the Thunderbird, it can get dangerous. While she may help us in destroying Autar, she may not be able to control it for long." Logan nodded and looked at Joanna on the table. "Is she awake?", Logan asked. The professor said, "No but she is under hypnosis right now which means the machine is possessing her mind. She will be alright." Logan sighed and followed the professor upstairs. When they got up there, everyone was sitting in the kitchen and they were quiet. "She will be ok, Logan. She's strong.", Storm said. Logan didn't say anything but he went to his room and slammed the door. He sat on his bed and rested his head in his hands. "What is happening to Joanna?", he said to himself. He sat there for a few hours, thinking about everything that's happened and what's going to happen. Suddenly, Storm knocked on his door and said, "Logan, you're not going to believe this. Get to the basement now!" Logan immediately got up and ran out of his room and followed Storm. When they got to the basement, they saw Joanna in the hallway with her other side showing. Logan went to see her but Storm grabbed his arm and said, "Wait, let her figure this out." Logan stepped back and watched Joanna fall to the ground while she grabbed her head. "I... I am in... charge. You're... not.", she said. Joanna screamed as she slammed her hand on the floor and the lightning ceased. There was a high-pitched scream which made Logan and Storm cover their ears. Joanna's eyes were blue again and everything was still. "What the hell was that about?", Logan said. Joanna looked at Logan and said, "I've got it under my control now." Logan smiled and Joanna ran to him. She jumped into his arms and said, "I wasn't going to let it take over." Logan set her down and took her hand. He led her upstairs and they were greeted by the rest of the X-Men. The professor turned around and said, "Ah, Joanna. It's lovely to see you up and walking around." Joanna smiled and rubbed her head. "Thanks, professor. I feel better but my head hurts." Logan watched as Storm moved closer to Joanna so she could hug her but something snapped inside Joanna. She put her hand up quickly and Storm was thrown away from her. The color drained from her face as she realized what she did. Joanna turned on her heels and ran away from the group. Logan looked at her and said, "The fuck?" Joanna ran up the stairs crying and into Logan's room. She slammed the door and slid down the wall. Logan ran up the stairs and knocked on his door. "Joanna, what was that about?", he begged. Joanna ran her hands though her hair and wiped her eyes. She could feel pressure and hear a high-pitched ringing in her ears. She grabbed her head and cried, "What is happening to me?"

 She grabbed her head and cried, "What is happening to me?"

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Logan finally got the door open and knelt next to her. "What happened?", he asked. Joanna sniffled a bit and said, "I.. though that... I had it... u-under control." Logan pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her. "We will figure this out together.", he said. After sometime, there was a soft knock on Logan's door. "Come in.", he said. The door creaked open and it was Scott. "Guys, the professor has a mission for us." Logan helped Joanna up and said, "What is it?" Scott shrugged his shoulders and left the room. Logan pulled Joanna along and down the stairs. She tried to refuse but it was just her other side. When they got to the first floor, they went to the professor's office and the other mutants were awaiting them. The professor said, "Everyone, I've caught word that Autar is in Egypt." Colossus stepped forward and asked, "What's he going there?" The professor didn't say anything but then replied, "Nothing good but we need to get there fast. And Joanna... let your other side free." Joanna nodded and opened her hands. Small balls of lightning came out and she said, "I don't think I'll have that problem." Logan looked at his fiancé and smiled. They whole group stood there in silence until Hank said, "Well what are we waiting for? Let's suit up. Every minute we waste is another minute Autar has to get stronger." Logan agreed with him and took Joanna's hand. They all followed Hank to the basement and began to suit up. While Logan was fixing the neck of his suit, he looked to his side and saw Joanna already in full suit and she was tracing the golden X on her belt. "Everything good, Joanna?", Logan asked. Joanna looked up at him and replied, "Im just scared I'll hurt everyone with my other side." Logan hugged her and said, "We are a family, and we die for family." When everyone was done, Storm rounded everyone up and they got on the jet. Hank and Storm started the jet up and the took off for Egypt. After a while, they had arrived. Hank landed the jet and Storm opened the hatch so everyone could get off. Joanna was the first off and she took a good look around. There was rubble everywhere, fallen buildings and just... destruction. She covered her mouth and gasped. Logan was at her side and when he touched her, she jumped. "We have to stop him, Logan. He is going to destroy everything we love.", Joanna said. Logan grabbed her face and said, "We will stop him. Once and for all." Joanna nodded and they turned towards the group. Logan noticed that they were all looking at Joanna. "They look up to you.", he said. Joanna looked at Logan with her blue eyes and said, "Listen to me. We must take down and destroy Autar or he will take our world from us!" Joanna had looked back at the group and she was standing on rubble with made her overlook her group. "Are we going to stand back and watch our enemies destroy our world? Are we going to stand back and let Autar win? Or are we going to do something about it?", she yelled. The mutants all nodded and Joanna raised her hand in the air, "We are the X-Men, and nothing is in our way. Today, we save the world and tomorrow, we save each other. Together!" The group cheered and Logan looked at her. "Let's do this.", she said. Logan agreed but suddenly, a loud crash was heard and rumbling began. Joanna looked around and saw Autar slowly descending from the air. "You dare think you can destroy me?", he yelled. Joanna was quiet as well as the group. He put his hands out and dozens of tall figures with white eyes and swords were standing there, facing the mutants. "While I was awaiting your presence, I built my own army.", he said. Joanna moved down to be next to Logan. She looked at him and then back at her group. Joanna unsheathed her claws and looked back at Autar. "X-men, ATTACK!", she yelled.

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