Chapter 28

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* months later*
(Nicole's POV)
Ugh crazy how life made a turning point towards me went from being that sweet friend that everyone loves to being the biggest b*tch you would ever come across but for guys it just a turn on...

"Hey are you excited for the party ?" Leah asked me ..

I forgot to mention theres this girl name leah who i known for a long time and we  became a team since that whole turning point she wasnt doing so great either with her life so we decided to help each other and became the two biggest b*tches ..

Just as i closed my locker she was next to me applying some lipstick and i might say it suits her "yeah duhh its gonna be epic " i said..

"Totally" she said just as she opened her locker she grabbed her leather jacket "so nicole.. how do i look?" She asked as she posed..

"Fabulous girl" i said "alright lets get out of this hell hole " she said as she slammed her locker i've decided to focus on school just as we walked out i saw john and brianna

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Fabulous girl" i said "alright lets get out of this hell hole " she said as she slammed her locker i've decided to focus on school just as we walked out i saw john and brianna...

These past few months were awful for me they seemed to move on like john is already flirting with other girls like i cant stand it to be honest but then again we arent dating anymore so theres no point of dealing with this...

"You alright?" Leah asked

"Yeah im fine" i said when really i wasnt i was in my thoughts thinking what if none of this happened like i wish i wasnt a crybaby all the time espcially about amy's death ..

"So you ready to leave?" Leah asked "huh... oh yeah" i said collecting my thoughts  just as we walked i wasnt really paying attention so i accidentally bumped into someone ..

"Oh my bad" i said as i turned around i saw a not so bad guy

"Oh my bad" i said as i turned around i saw a not so bad guy

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"I..its fine" i said he gave me a small smile before he left..

"Okay what just happened!?"leah asked "to be honest i dont really know" i said blushing ..

She gave me a smirk "awe you're blushing " she said i couldnt hide it i changed the subject real fast " soo you ready to go my place?" I asked ...

"Duh while were at your place we have to be looking poppin for tonight" she said ...

"We'll look so good that no one will keep their eyes off us" i said..

(John's POV)
My blood began to boil just as i saw nicole look into the eyes of theo ..

He shouldn't be near her!!

Theo is a dangerous person he may look decent but he can ruin a girl's reputation he shouldnt be near nicole , nicole already had enough to deal with...

"John" someone said "JOHN" i came back to reality and realized brie was talking to me..

"Whats wrong?" She asked "nothing im just tired its been a long day" i lied ..

"Are you planning on going to that party that theo is having its supposed to be a neon party" she said "yeah im going"..

Going to protect nicole before she even goes near theo...

MY FIRST AND LAST LOVE حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن