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(Nicole's POV )
"Uh may we have one large pepperoni pizza please , ok thanks " I said as I ended the call I was wondering what was taking John so long I went up stairs to find him not in the bathroom but in my bedroom I don't if I should be embarrass or mad...

"What are you doing in my room?" I asked "uh I was uh admiring it "he said I raised my eyebrow "are you a perv or something? " I asked oh god did I just asked that? !?!

"Ummm no "he said feeling uncomfortable "well this isn't the bathroom "I said as I was about to leave he asked me a question I never thought he asked "why were you in hardcore fitness boot camp? " ...

"That's like military workout you know" he added "I was tired of everyone calling me fat "I said not turning to him "is that why brie was crying "he said brie was crying? ?..

"It doesn't concerned you john" I said "well maybe it doesn't but brie is worried about you "he said I turned to him "why do you care on what I do?''I asked "to be honest I don't know" he said suddenly the door bell rang "the bathroom is on the right " I said before I left...

I walked down opening the door seeing the guy with the pizza I gave him a tip he thanked me and left..

John came down I gave him a slice of pizza "thank you" he said I nodded it was silent he was there eating as I ate and scrolled through my phone "I'm sorry " he said "about?"I asked "for trespassing into your bedroom " he said "it's fine" I said. ..

"Um I'm having this party on Saturday and I was wondering if you would like to come" he said "ummm I guess" I said "I swear if your girlfriend comes at me I swear I will be the living crap out of her " I added "girlfriend? You mean kelly?" He asked "well who ever that blonde b*tch is" I said "She's not my girlfriend " he said that took me by surprise "either way she messed with the wrong chick john" I said. ..

"Your fiesty "he said "and to be honest your funny "he added causing me to blush "Um thanks" I said hiding my blush "well I should get going thank you for the food and for the tutoring" he said. .

"Anytime " I said ..

It was around 2 in the morning everyone was asleep I got and grabbed my bag I turned to brie who was peacefully asleep "I'm sorry brie but you deserve a better sister "I'm whispered. .

I got out through the window and scattered I don't know where I'm heading but all I know is that I'm gonna change I'm not gonna be that fat girl who sits alone as she eats f#cking twinkies in front of everyone I walked for hours and I felt like giving up ....

It was daylight I was lost all I know is that I'm not in California no more I sat on the concrete floor resting my head on a brick wall next to a dojo building and then I saw her this lady who was tatted up with brownish hair

***It was daylight I was lost all I know is that I'm not in California no more I sat on the concrete floor resting my head on a brick wall next to a dojo building and then I saw her this lady who was tatted up with  brownish  hair

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"What are you doing out here sweetie? "She asked "I left home "I said "your mom must be worried sick" she said "She's not she must be happy that her over weight daughter is out her life " I said ..

"How do you know that?" She asked "I over heard her talking about it " I said as I hid my face down to my knees "come on" she said "where are we going?" I asked "you're coming to live with me " she said " I barely know you "I said "then let this be a beginning of a new friendship" she said "I never got your name by the way "I said "my name is Amy what's yours?" She asked "I'm Nicole "I said "well let's get going" she said I nodded and followed her...


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