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(John's POV )
I was too tired to get up but I had to since I have to receive my schedule so I got up and got ready "bro cmon mom made breakfast " my brother Matt said "I'll be out in a second " I said ...

After getting ready I headed to the kitchen where my mom made waffles "morning dear are you ready for school?" She asked "yeah I'm ready " I said as I cut the waffles ...

"Well finish eating ok you don't wanna miss your first day of school now? "She said "no ma I don't wanna miss " I said "hmm you better now finish eating "she said I nodded as I drank my juice ..

"Yo Johnny how you been home boy?" My best friend randy said as he laid his back up against the lockers "tired but fine " I said "well better freshen up were gonna find some hot babes today" he said "really now?"I asked "well duh unless your gonna be a virgin forever "he said "dial it down will you" I said "sorry bro" he said...

"You know kelly has been looking at you for like 5 minutes and you haven't notice sh*t " he said "well what do you want me to do "I said as I was organizing my locker " flirt or do something " he said "I dont like her that way "I said ..

"Your gonna die a virgin "he said "haha funny randall" I said "eww I hate when you say my name like that " he said. .

"I'll catch you later bro " he said I nodded and we headed our different directions as I continued to walked I bumped into some one causing her to fall ..

"Hey are you ok?"I asked looking down at her "uh yeah I'm fine sorry for not looking "she said I held my hand out to her I looked into her brown eyes as I pulled her up she came close up against my chest but she took a few steps back " I should get going thank you for helping me up " she said as she picked up her books and left...

Who is that?? She's beautiful. .

(Nicole's POV )
My cheeks were red I can't believe I was that close to him but I should be smarter than that because he never helped me out when I was a fat person. .

I went to my first class which was calculus I over heard the same crowd "dude I think she's lying " one of them said "your right maybe it was some one who was trying to defend her " another one said I just rolled my eyes. .

Buy my eyes widened when I saw her my very own flesh and blood twin sister she was there talking to some girl with really cute blonde hair

Buy my eyes widened when I saw her my very own flesh and blood twin sister she was there talking to some girl with really cute blonde hair

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

She was the only one who wasn't embarrass of me but I had to leave she must me completely mad at me for abandoning her ..

The bell had finally rung "ok class get to a seat" said a male teacher as he came in "hello students my name is Shane but you guys have to call me Mr McMahon but then again I will feel old so call me shane" he said we all chuckled. .

"Let's start with attendance "he said
"Dana brooke "
"Daniel Bryan"
"John cena "
No one answered
Until someone burst in which ironically it was him "here sorry I'm late "he said breathless "it's fine go find a seat" Shane said John nodded the only seat open was next to me so he came and sat next to me "ok class let's continue" he said ..

"Brianna monique Garcia colace"
"Stephanie Nicole Garcia colace "
"Here but can you just call by nicole?"
"Sure thing" he said
People just stared at me their faces were priceless ..

I began to hear whispers but me and brie continue to make eye contact she began to tear up "ok class let's start with today's lesson" Shane said. .
Class was over I picked up my books and bag and went to my locker "is it really you? " Someone asked I closed my locker seeing brie "yeah it's me" I said "I wanted to say that I'm sor--" I was cut off by her hug ...

I hugged her back "mom is worried sick Nicole " she said...

out of all the people why would my own mother who was ashamed of me worried about me????

MY FIRST AND LAST LOVE Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ