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(Nicole's POV )
I sat there crying my eyes out my own mother is embarrass of me because of my weight every time she makes dinner I just eat lettuce while others eat her delicious food...

I was in my room hugging my teddy bear until brie came in "Nicole what's wrong ?" She asked as she sat next to me "I just had it with mom being disappointed in me and being embarrass of having a fat daughter "I said ...

"She's just trying to help you "she said "well if she was she wouldn't be talking about my weight problem with her friends and laughing about it " I said crying. ..

Brie gave me a hug "you what I'm gonna run away " I said "your crazy "she said "call me crazy but I had it brie I had it " I said. ..


I barely woke up feeling mega tired from doing homework and I'm starving so I changed into something simple a tank top and some jeans It was 6:45 in the morning and I was feeling like crap. ..

So I made coffee to wake me up

Suddenly I heard someone yawn I saw that it was Amy "well good morning " I said sipping my coffee "good morning "she yawned as she she poured herself a cup of coffee

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Suddenly I heard someone yawn I saw that it was Amy "well good morning " I said sipping my coffee "good morning "she yawned as she she poured herself a cup of coffee..

"What are you doing up early?"she asked "I dont even know I stayed up doing homework and I don't know "I said "hmmmm interesting "she said "not really " I said. ..

"So have you seen any cute boys ?" She asked which made me choke on my coffee "by the sound of that that's a yes " she smirked "no comment "I said she raised an eyebrow. ..

"I'm gonna head out "I said "you sure your not gonna meet up with a boy? " she asked "haha very funny amy" I said as I head out. ..

I arrived at school a little early to the library so i looked around finding a book until I found the sonnet by the one and only William Shakespeare...

I was so intrigued by his work I lost track of time "Do you mind if I sit here?"Someone asked I looked up seeing John looking at me "depends are you gonna spill milk at me?"I asked "uh no no I won't I'm truly sorry by the way "he said sounding guilty. ..

I moved my bag so I can let him sit I can smell his nice Cologne as he sat I saw him working on his homework "you haven't finish your homework? "I asked "no I've been working helping my dad around the house "he said "and I'm stressing out because we have this calculus test tomorrow and I'm freaking out "he said. .

"I can help you study" I said "can you really? ?" I asked "yeah I love math "I said "ok cool where should we meet up? " he asked "my place? " I asked "sounds good "he said. .

"Well I should go I'll see you in first hour "I said he nodded I got up and left but got distracted by the book until I bumped into someone "my bad I didn't mean to" me and this person said in unison I look up seeing brie ..

"Oh hi brie "I said as I picked up my book "ummm hey" she said "I should really get going " I said walking by her "Nicole wait" she said. ..

"I told mom that you were ok "she said "I have nothing to say to her brie" I said "maybe you don't she has a few words to say "she said "well I hope it isn't welcome home" I said I gave her an I'm sorry look and left...

First hour was about to start I was busy reading the book still until I was tapped on my shoulder I looked up seeing John "hey" he said "hi" I said "wow I thought you would stop reading by now'' he chuckled "are you kidding William Shakespeare catches my attention "I said I chuckled he just smiled at me I got up to throw trash away but I tripped but he caught me holding me tight on the waist. .

Looks like he caught my attention. .

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