"What time is it," Kate asks me as we stand up.

I check my phone, "6:19."

"We got quite a bit of sleep, didn't we?"


Once we're off the bus and with Sky and Tyler, Sky takes Kate by the wrist and says, "I need to talk to you," before taking off.

"What was that about," I ask Tyler as we walk into the gas station.

"Sky was going on and on about how cute you two look together and shit like that," he tells me. "How much do you like her," he asks me with a smirk.

I stop in my tracks and think, "I have no idea."

"You sure looked like you loved having her rest on you."

"Were the two of you just watching us sleep?"

"Sky kept leaning over the seat and taking pictures, saying stuff like, 'one day, when they're married, they'll thank me for this.'"

I walk over to the refrigerated area and grab a pop while Tyler grabs an energy drink, "that is really creepy," I say, "how much do you like Sky?"

"Man, she's awesome, I kinda wish she was still into making out with me at school."

I grab some donut rounds and walk over to the counter to pay, "disgusting," I say.

"Can't help it, you know I'm not the best kid," he says to me as we wait by the door for Sky and Kate.

"Have you told her anything about that?"


"And she didn't figure it out while kissing you?"

"If she did she didn't say anything."

A minute later they both appear in front of us with their food and drinks, "shall we go back to the bus," Sky asks as she links arms with Tyler and skips off, dragging Tyler with her.

"Where'd you two run off to," I ask Kate as we walk back to the bus.

"Bathroom, she just wanted to tell me something," Kate replied, her cheeks going red.

"Ah," I let her go first so that she could have the window seat, "where'd you get your hoodie?"

She looks down at her giant hoodie with our school colors and logo, "oh, some of the kids in student council wanted some new shirt designs, asked the art teacher who would be best for that job, I drew up some designs and the place that my dad works at made them. They let me have some for free since I designed them and my dad made them."

"Wow," I say, "that's really cool, when will they be buyable?"

"Once we get back from winter break I think, I'm not sure, if you really want one I'll let you know," she says as she opens her candy and starts to eat away.

"Cool, do you plan on designing more of the school clothes?"

"Actually, yeah, they already started asking me to make the next homecoming shirts and told me that I should run for junior class something," Kate said excitedly.

"That's really cool, no joke. Are you gonna?"

"I don't know, I feel like I'm capable, but it's a little out of my comfort zone."

"Aren't you in debate or something like that?"

"Yeah, it's not in front of the entire class though," she tells me.

"True," I agree, "if you do decide to run, you have my vote," a smile spreads across her face.

Once the buses start back up and go on there way she is full of energy, "hey, guess what?"

"What," I ask, she reaches over me, grabs one of my donuts and shoves it in my mouth and then starts laughing like crazy, "what the heck was that for," I say as I chew the donut.

"To see what you would look like if you were an idiot," I wiped my hands on my pants, pulled her hood up over her head, and then pulled the drawstrings closing her face in her hoodie, "jerk," she said through a bunch of laughter as she breaks out of her hoodie.

"You shoved a donut in my mouth," I scream at her while laughing.

We both sat there, laughing like idiots for at least five minutes, "I can't... breath," Kate finally says as she holds her stomach.

"I can't feel my face," I reply.

"I know right, if I laugh anymore I think my mouth will fall off," we both start laughing again.

After a while, we both calm down and she falls into me, "that was fun," I say.

"Yeah," she says quietly, "I feel like we'll probably have a lot of fun today."

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