Chapter 4

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"Hey Mom, can someone come over tomorrow so that we can work on a project for school," I ask in the morning before school.

"Yeah, what time do you need to be at the football game," Mom asks me, doing something on her phone.


"I'm going to drop you off with Tess, you and your sister will have to walk to school," the high school and middle school are a few buildings apart and we don't live that far, so walking isn't that bad.

"Alright, bye mom," I yell at her as she walks out the door. I get on my phone to check the notifications, three from Tyler.

"What are you planning," Tessa asks me, emerging from nowhere.

"How long have you been there?"

"Long enough to know that Kate is coming over. How on Earth could you already have a project for school?"

"It's called honors Tess, you'll find out next year. Plus, do you really think Kate would just voluntarily come over without a reason, she's not that kind of person," I explain to her.

"Whatever, we should probably get going," she says as she grabs her school bag, cheer bag, and instrument, she too, plays trombone. Meanwhile, I read the texts from Tyler.

"Skye is really cool.
She's funny too.
I think I like her."

"Does everybody like someone now a days?"

"Studies show that you meet your soul mate from grades 7-12," Tessa tells me.


"Who has a crush now?"



4:30, after school, and I'm am at Tessa's cheer practice. I have to admit, she's really good for her age, small, flexible, fast, and strong. She already fits in with and gets along with all of the cheerleaders, laughing and happy. I pull out my phone and respond to Tyler's texts from earlier, "what happened with you two?"

I get bored waiting and click to see who's active, Kate. I click on her name, but don't type anything, she probably wouldn't reply. I get another message from Lukas, "she was just telling me about the story and then BAM!!! We start cracking jokes and laughing."

"Sounds reasonable," I send, it's supposed to be sarcasm, but it probably didn't come off that way. I check the time and decide I should probably start getting ready for the game. "Tess, I'm going to the band room," I yell, not waiting for a response.

When I walk in Tyler and Skye are talking away, Kate is awkwardly standing there, and Luke is waiting to argue with someone. I walk to the closet outside the band room, grab my uniform, and head back towards the band room to put my trombone together. The other people in my section already have their instruments put together, but Luke is the only one fully ready. I set my trombone down and get my uniform on before going over to the others, "you guys should probably get your uniforms on," I say, breaking whatever they were talking about. "Zip me up," I ask Kate as I turn my back towards her.

"More like zipping you down," she says once she's finished. I didn't realize that she was already mostly ready, she just needed her hat and jacket. I watch as she puts her hair in a messy bun and slides her hat on. She then gets her jacket on and turns to me, "your turn," I walk over and slide the zipper down and button the thing at the top.

"Sections get together and head to the field," Mr. Parks yells over all the noise. I wait for everyone to gather by me and then start walking.

We pass the cheerleaders on the way over and Tessa shoves me into Kate, before I can yell at her, she runs back to her people, "sorry," I say, "sister."

"Ah," is all Kate says for a few seconds and then adds, "what time do you want me to come over tomorrow?"

"Doesn't matter to me, noon?"

"Works for me," she responds with a shrug, I don't carry the conversation on, but I do sit next to her the entire game and I hang out with her during third quarter, mainly because she's hanging out with Skye, who's hanging out with Tyler, who I'm hanging out with, but we didn't talk, just awkwardly listened to Tyler and Skye.

After the game was over, I met up with Tessa outside the band room to wait for our dad, "you're an idiot," I tell her.

"Yeah right, it's not like you were going to talk to her on your own, hey look who it is, hey Ka-," I slap my hand over her mouth before she can finish and rub the top of her head, messing up her ponytail, "idiot," she mutters.

"Yeah, I'm the idiot," I say.

"Sister," I hear a voice from behind me say, I turn around and see Kate behind me.

"Yes, I'm Tessa, but a lot of people call me Tess," I smack my hand to my forehead.

"Nice to meet you," Kate says while crossing her arms.

"Are you the one coming over tomorrow," Tessa blurts out.

"Tess," I say, glaring at her.

"Yeah," Kate says shyly.

"So, where's Skye," I ask, she points to the door where they're still talking.

"They have not left each others side at all," she says, "I know that she likes him and all, but," she slams her hands over her mouth, "I wasn't supposed to say anything, she's gonna kill me," I'm about to say something when I hear a honk.

"Hey Aiden, mom's here, I call shot gun," Tessa says as she darts towards the passenger seat.

"That girl," I say, "see you tomorrow."


A/N: Hey everyone, this probably has a lot of errors in it because I procrastinated. I am officially entering this book in The Watty's because it now has five chapters. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter, if this book isn't really your thing, you can always check out my other books on my profile. Up top is a picture of Skye, let me know what you think of it.

Do you have a sibling that embarrasses you? They have not embarrassed me yet.

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