Chapter 11

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I walked with Tessa and waited until one of her friends came, "promise you won't tell mom or dad."

"I promise, make sure you be careful, I'll come back later to pick you up from cheer practice," I assure Tessa.

"Don't bother, Melanie said she'd walk home with me," I nodded at her before turning and walking to the high school. I made my way to the band room and saw Sky and Kate talking with Tyler standing on the side.

"Did they make up," I ask him quietly.

"Yeah, I was over at Sky's last night when Kate called her and explained a bunch of things, is Tess okay?"

"I think she'll be fine, she recovered quicker than I thought she would," I pause and look at Kate, who's busy talking to Sky, "if it weren't for Kate, she probably wouldn't be though. I don't know how she was able to handle him so well, I tried to get her tell me, but she wouldn't crack."

"Kate was at your house," Tyler said, assuming the worst.

"Don't think like that, we were just working on a project," I tell him with a glare, "what are the odds of her hanging out with me now that her and Sky made up?"

"Well, Sky still hangs out with me, just not as much pda," Tyler told me with a pat on the back, "you've been hanging around girls too much."

"Whatever," I say as I get everything ready for band.


"We can sit here," I hear Kate's voice say as she approaches with Sky by her side.

"Hello ladies," Tyler says.

"Hey," Sky says as she sits across from Tyler and reaches for his hands.

"You want the spaghetti," I turn my attention to Kate who was in the process of eating some apple slices.

I smile, "you bet, ready to present today?"

"Shoot," Sky said, "I forgot all about that."

"Don't worry, Aiden and finished it last night."

"Honestly," I interjected, "I think you and Tyler should present it since you guys did nothing else."

Kate looked at me, she looked like she was contemplating the idea, "I agree with Aiden."

The look on their faces was hysterical, causing Kate and I to erupt in laughter, "that's just cruel," Tyler said, joining in on the laughter.

Soon enough, we were all laughing, being extremely loud and distracting, "fine," Sky gives in, "we'll present, can we at least have the papers so we can study?"

Kate looks at me with an evil grin, so cute, "hmm, should we give them the papers," Kate asks as she reaches into her bag and grabs them, taunting Sky by dangling them in front of her face.

"Give me the dang papers," Sky said as she attempted to grab them, but failed.

"I got this Sky," Tyler says as he leans over, grabbing the papers right out of Kate's hand.

"Aw, not fair," she says, placing and apple slice in her mouth.

"Do you eat at all," I ask her.

She shrugs, "I've never eaten that much, if I eat more than I can handle I get really sick."

"Yeah, this one time in fourth grade, at our Valentine's Day party, she ate a whole box of candy, school lunch, a cookie, two cupcakes, a slice of cake, and an ice cream cone. She missed school for nearly a month because she got so sick," Sky told me.

"Wow, guess I shouldn't have given you that waffle," I said, laughing.

"Yeah, my doctor gave me some medicine for it, I think it's supposed to boost my appetite, but it doesn't work," Kate explained to me.

"These drawings are really good," Tyler said out of no where.

"Let me see," Sky said, after examining them for a few seconds she said, "Kate drew them, she has a whole shelf filled with sketchbooks, she has characters, outfits, she's drawn everything you can think of."

"Sweet, could you design some better band uniforms," Tyler asks.

"Oh trust me, I have, I just don't show anyone."

"Why not," I ask.

She shrugs, "I don't really like the way they look. Like, they're better than the ones we have now, but it's just, it's kind of personal."

"I get that, sort of," I say.

"Hey," Sky bursts out, "are you guys doing anything this weekend? My parents said that I could invite some people over before they put the pool up."

"I would," Kate starts, "but I have my first debate this weekend."

"My parents said I need to stay home this weekend," Tyler says.

"And I need to stay home with my sister."

"Aw darn, oh well," Sky shrugs as she continues looking at the papers.

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