The girl was just like the halfa remembered her. He frowned at her, recalling their meeting. Actually, now that he really looked at her. She was younger. And she didn't have her pink beret yet. She was much smaller than when they had met all those years back. Danny realised the kid he had fought back then was from the future. She seemed to be about 12 then. She looked less than half that age now.

Danny jumped when Maddie was suddenly right in front of him. "What were you thinking, young man. Running away like that. It's dangerous to go out alone. And you know that!!!" Her tone softened slightly. "Why did you do that, Danny? You're never that disobedient."

Danny ran a hand through his hair and shifted his weight. He didn't know what to say.

Thankfully, the Lunch Lady interrupted. "Oh my. I didn't know we would have that many visitors. I must make food."

And she turned around and went into the house. Danny heard footsteps. He turned to see half the class had already landed. The other half was leaving the ship and swimming their way.

Maddie frowned when she saw them too. "Children, go back to the Fenton Space Craft. I didn't authorize for you to exit."

Andrew shrugged. "You didn't authorize for Danny to leave either."

Maddie turned to Danny. "No, I didn't."

Danny sighed. "Alright. I'm sorry, mom. I was being selfish and unobedient. Please let's go back right now." Before the Lunch Lady comes back or 'Daddy' is home, he added in thoughts as he pushed his parents in the wished direction.

Too late.

Suddenly someone stood in the little garden and was staring at the crowd in shock.

Melissa approached him. "Hey. I'm Melissa. And you are..?"

Danny jumped forward. "No. Don't ask him!!"

The ghost raised his arms in a threatening manner. "I am the Box Ghost. Ghost of all things paper and square. And you shall all perish for entering my house!!"

Melissa jumped back, startled at the sudden shouting.

Box Lunch stood up again. She copied her father's position and raised her small arms as high as she could. "You shall perish!!"

The Box Ghost blinked and smiled. He bend down and grabbed his daughter. He held her with one hand. "Yes. Very good."

She giggled.

Star stepped forward and pushed Melissa out of the way as she stared at the little girl. "Awwww. You're so cute. Box Lunch, wasn't it?"

The Box Ghost held his daughter closer and scowled at the human.

Maddie widened her eyes and grabbed her gun. Jack frowned.

Star glanced at the bigger ghost. Her smile unwavering. "You must be her father!! You are so lucky with such a beautiful daughter."

The Boxghost blinked at the compliment. Then he grinned and held the kid up 'Lion King' style. "YES. SHE IS BOX LUNCH, MY DAUGHTER. SHE WILL HAUNT ALL THINGS SQUARE AND PLASTIC AND FULL OF LUNCH."

Box Lunch giggled and raised her arms. "Perush."

Maddie relaxed.

"Boxy, is that you? Are you educating our daughter to yell dramatically again?" A voice shouted from inside the house. The Lunch Lady appeared in the opening, holding a tray with food.

The Box Ghost and Box Lunch both turned to her. "YES"

The Lunch Lady sighed. She turned to the class of students. "Please come in. Lunch is ready."

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