Chapter 7

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I opened my eyes to find that I was in a hospital room. Again. I got worried, not remembering what happened. I slowly felt tears forming at the brim of my eyes, but I didn't want to start crying. Not now, at least. I looked around, trying to find a phone. There was no phone. I sat there, staring up at the ceiling, trying to not let the tears run down my face. I heard the familiar sound of the door, opening to let someone in. I looked over and saw Alex, eyes red. He had a cast around his fingers and he didn't look happy at all.
"What are you doing here?" I glared at him a little bit to hide the sadness behind my eyes.
Alex looked at me. I saw some guilt in his face. "Just wanted to see if you were okay."
"Right after you fucking left me in the car?! Yeah, thanks for that." I snapped.
He backed away a bit, frightened of my tone. "Sorry about that."
I looked at him quickly. "Sorry about that? That's all you say. Three words. You literally left me in the car. But, I decided to risk my leg and try to survive. But, like the true friend you are, you left me. My mom disappeared. You were gone. I trust you more than anyone really. Looks like you don't feel the same way!" I shouted. I breathed heavily, catching my breath.
He stared at the floor, not saying a word.
"Why did you leave?" I asked, trying to calm myself down.
He shrugged his shoulders. I noticed some tears trailing down his face. I stared at him, waiting for my answer.
"Well?" I urged.
"I don't know." he mumbled.
"You don't know? You don't know why you left your friend in the car, knowing she can't get up?" I started to cry.
I looked over and saw a book on the table. I grabbed it, trying to just read my thoughts out. I slammed it shut, and looked over at Alex. I saw him take a step forward. I held the bind of the book in my hand. I threw it at his head, seeing the pages fly. It hit him in the head, And he continued to still walk over to me. He reached over to pull me in a hug.
I tried to wiggle and squirm out of his arms, knowing I was weaker than him.
"Get off of me!" I shouted, pushing him away. He didn't say a word and pulled me into a hug, forcefully. I felt his tears, hitting my head. I squirmed a bit, trying to get out of his grip, but I couldn't escape. I finally gave in and put my arms around his waist."
"I'm sorry." Alex whispered into my ear.
"Me too."
He backed away and sat on the edge of the bed, holding my hand tightly. "Um, I got some news for you." he said, sadly.
I froze. "What is it?"
"M-Me and Blaine broke up."
I let go of his hand, surprised. "What the hell?"
"He broke up with me. He said it didn't feel right. He said that he didn't feel like this was right. Then, he went to go and ask out Rex."
"Glenn's brother?" I said.
"Yeah, they are a thing now." he mumbled.
"B-But he isn't gay!"
"He is."
I reached over and grabbed his hand. I held it tightly. "It's alright. You can do better."
He scooted over and sat closer to me. "I can." he said and leaned forward, closing his eyes. I leaned away from him, squinting my eyes slightly.
"Uh, Alex...What are you doing?" I asked, clearing my throat awkwardly.
He opened his eyes slowly, leaning away. "What?"
"Were you about to kiss me?"
He froze, letting go of my hand. "Pff, what? No, I was just..just getting this lint off your shirt." He reached over and grabbed nothing off my shirt. I sat there in awkward silence, looking down.
Alex jumped off the bed, backing away. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it. He smiled awkwardly and walked out of the room. I sat there, staring at the door in disbelief.
"Alex!" I shouted, knowing he won't hear my scream.
I sat there, staring at the door. I stiffened up, trying to think of a way to catch up with him. I saw my wheelchair at the end of the room. I sighed, ready for the impact I'm about to cause. I looked over and saw another needle in my arm. I ripped off the tape, and slowly taking the needle out. I winced, shaking. I sat the needle on the table and saw a band-aid right beside it. I put that over the now bleeding hole in my arm, and threw the blanket off of me. I put my right foot on the floor, moving my left leg slowly off the bed. I fell to the floor, my head hitting the tiles. I moved myself across the floor, my clothes collecting the dirt and dust off of the floor. I got to my wheelchair when I heard the door open. I froze, wincing as I looked over at the door. I saw Blaine, staring at me in horror.
"Hey, Blaine. How are you today?" I said quickly.
"Em! What in the world are you doing?" he shouted, walking over to help me up. He lifted me up slowly, putting my arm around him.
"Did you see Alex on your way over here?"
He froze, his face going sad. "No, I didn't." he said without a single emotion.
"Blaine, are you okay?" I lifted my legs on the bed, one by one. I got comfortable, pulling the blanket over me. He sat on the edge of the bed, tears forming in his eyes.
"No, I'm not. I broke up with him. I regret that decision. I didn't go to Rex, I went home and cried to myself. Rex came to pick me up, thinking we were going to the movies. He asked me to come, I said sure. And then..he leaned in and kissed me. And now, Alex thinks we are together and..I just can't believe he would think that!" Blaine ranted. I sat there, playing with my hair.
"Why did you break up?"
"Why did-"
"Because it didn't feel right! I didn't feel the same way as him! That's why I ended it!" He stopped talking, tears falling down his face. He got off the bed, walking around. He kneeled to the ground, screaming. I flinched, backing away from him. He kept screaming in pain, letting all his anger out. He gripped his hair, shaking. He looked up at my worried expression, and froze. His face was red, along with his eyes. Snot was dripping from his nose, and tears kept falling from his eyes, not stopping. He pounded on the ground and jumped up.
"Blaine," I started, "You need to calm down." I said gently.
He looked at me, sternly. I said the wrong thing. "Calm down? Calm down!? How am I supposed to calm down when I just lost the person I love? How? Emerson! How?!" he shouted, spit flying around.
"Blaine! You need to stop acting like a child and grow up!" I shouted.
"Grow up? Grow up? No one grows up because we all act like children, no matter how hard we try to cast it away, we are always children!" he shouted back at me.
I stared at him, letting that sink in.
"Blaine!" I snapped. The door opened and a worried nurse came in.
"What is all this screaming?" she asked cautiously , closing the door. She looked down at Blaine. He was clutching his hair, face red.
"Are you okay?" she asked, touching his shoulder.
"No! Does it look like I'm okay?!" he shouted, slapping the woman away. The woman held her wrist, staring at Blaine in disbelief. She ran out the door. I looked over at Blaine. He stared at the door, shaking. He turned his head to me, bags under his eyes finally visible. His eyes became red, tears streaking down his face. He made a fist, breathing hard.
"Blaine. Blaine, calm down." I tried to get up. To give him a hug. I groaned at the pain, and settled in my chair.
"How the fuck do I calm down, Em?" he whispered. I looked down, starting to play with the hem of my shirt.
"Emerson!" he shouted.
"I don't know, Blaine! It's just a breakup!"
He stared at me. "Just a breakup? Just a breakup?! You are telling me I need to calm down..just because it's..a breakup! Why the fuck would I think that?! Oh, it's just a breakup, I'll get over it. No, I won't! It's a fucking huge deal!"
The door opened and I saw two men coming in. They grabbed Blaine by the arms, picking him up from the ground.
"Blaine! No! Where are you taking him?" I shouted at the top of my lungs.
"Let go of me! Emerson!" Blaine shouted. He tried to wriggle himself from their grip. He screamed, stomping his feet. They pulled him away from me, walking out of the room. A nurse came in, the same nurse who came in before.
"Where the hell are they taking him, bitch?" I asked, grabbing the woman's wrist, squeezing it.
"T-To an insane asylum, miss." she stuttered. I let go of her wrist, shaking.
"An insane asylum? What the hell did you tell them?"
She kept quiet, backing away.
"You better answer me before I rip your fucking heart out!" I screamed.
She flinched and ran out the door. I felt my eye twitch, watching the door close.
My brother is gone.

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