Chapter Eighteen Daniel: Like it's my Last

Start from the beginning

"So, from what I understand you are here to track down a pesky little girl" Brey's grandmother or Mrs. Kathy as Nick called her, said. The three of us answered "yes ma'am" at the same time. "So, how are you going to kill her" she asked with excitement. "Grandma" Brey objected. "Oh hush up, I just want to know" she said. Nick looked like he would rather be anywhere else in the world. Then she gave him a stern look, and he said that he didn't care as long as she dies and I agreed with him. Then we were told how we were no fun and that we needed to live a little while we were young. After she forced us to have brunch with her, she told Brey that she could use her torture room if she needed. Then she told us to check with the front desk for Ms. Cairn's home address, and that is was nice seeing us.

We went down to the front desk and Brey talked to the concierge. He acted snotty to us when we tried to ask nicely. Then Brey jumped over the counter and put a knife at his neck. Then he not only gave us her address but the credit card number they had, a copy of her driver's licenses, and a cell phone number. We went to the address that she gave the concierge which was only an few hours away. We pull up to this plain house in the middle of this neighborhood, and every house looked almost identical to each other. We found her house in the sea of copies and the only differences were the last name Clark on the mail box and one car in the driveway that was obviously made for two.

We made sure that no one was in the house, then picked the lock, and went inside. Everything looked neat and put up, but still lived in and homely. We looked around and found a lot of pictures of her and some guy and she looked happy in them. Then we found a huge wedding photo in the formal dining room. Then I went down stairs and put a small explosive next to the gas heater. Then we went outside and waited for her to return. There Nick said what all of us were thinking "why would she kill Justin an ex if she moved on already." We knew all knew what we were going to do, so when she and her husband pulled up and started walking to the door. I pressed the button turning their house into an enormous ball of flames. The both of them looked horrified, frozen, starring at the inferno that was their home. Brey called the fire department, and we went to our hotel for the rest of the night.

The next day they checked in to the hotel that Ms. Kathy lived at. We waited an hour, then just took the all access key we got from the concierge, and walked right in. Her husband tried to put up a fight that lasted a whole two seconds before Nick knocked him out. Then Rebecca tried to attack Brey, and after Brey broke her arm and probably a few ribs she passed out on the floor. We dragged them down to the basement and tied them to some chairs then we waited for them to wake up behind a wall of shelves. Her husband woke up first and instantly started screaming for help and trying to escape. Which woke up Rebecca who after a failed attempt to calm him down told Greg, which was his name, to shut up and that made him start panicking. They started confessing their love for each other. Brey got bored and annoyed with the both of them and she walked in and punched her in the face.

"I'm not telling you anything" Rebecca snarled. "Well, I guess you can go then" Brey responded sarcastically as she took a bottle of lighter fluid and a book of matches off the shelf. "Please let us go" Greg pleaded as she drenched him in the lighter fluid. She just laughed at him then said "no, I'm gonna kill your wife here, but whether or not you die to is up to her." "So, Becca" Brey started "you killed some people a few days ago and I want to know why." "I said I'm not" and before she could finish her sentence Brey struck a match and tossed it at Greg. It missed his body causing him scream a little "Now, if you don't your hubby here will be barbeque" she said. "I-I-I'm not" Rebecca stuttered, Brey tossed another match making them both scream. "I was only there to kill the Guy, Justin, the other three were just there and I panicked" Rebecca said as fast as she could.

"Why did you kill him," Brey asked in her daunting apathetic voice. Rebecca looked at Brey like she hated and was terrified of her. Then she looked at her scared and confused husband as Brey held a lit match over his head, and Brey said "any day now." Looking at her husband again he mouthed the word please, and the Rebecca broke into tears "it was a hit, they said if I killed him I could finally be out of this life" she sobbed. Brey put out the match, creeped closer to her, and with a sinister look asked "Who are they." Rebecca responded with "I swear on my life I don't know then turned into a blubbering mess crying, saying sorry to her husband, and begging Brey not to kill him. Nick and I walked from behind the wall of shelves, and the second she saw me she started crying even harder. "They're going to kill us" she sobbed over and over. I don't know why, but I bent down beside her, wiped away some of her tears, and said "don't worry I'll kill you."

Nick and Brey poured another bottle of lighter fluid on Greg, and then gagged him. Rebecca begged me to save him, but I reminded her of the two girls she killed who did nothing to her. Brey struck a match and tossed it into the lap of the poor guy, and I almost felt sorry for the guy. Then I looked at the cold, emotionless faces of Brey and Nick, and they almost seemed sad as well to see a guy who still doesn't know why he is dying be turned into a big ball of flames. After Rebecca gave up on trying to save him Brey shot him to put him out of his misery while Nick extinguished the corpse. "YOU'LL BURN IN HELL FOR THIS" Rebecca screamed at the three of us before bursting into tears. Thinking about it two assassins nicknamed after the Greek gods of Panic and Fear, and me a guy who is known for blowing up buildings and cars while killing hundreds of people. If this was the deciding factor we had a very late decision. Brey knocked her out, then we tied her up and wrapped her up in plastic wrap till she looked like a mummy with only her eyes and nose exposed. We put her in the trunk then drove an hour away to the place we all agreed was where she would die, a nice little lake. We rented a boat, rode to the center of the lake, tied some cement blocks around her, woke her up, and threw her over the edge. I sat there watching her sink till she was just a trail of bubble leading to the surface.

Nick had brought a cooler with us since we had to rent the boat for the hour, and we might as well celebrate the death of Justin's killer. I don't know how but somehow between beer number five and six I was talked into a game of truth or dare. I didn't take a dare because I didn't want to do something crazy or stupid, so I had to answer a lot of very uncomfortable questions. The both of them asked questions like, where was I for the past few years, what was I doing, how many girls had I slept with, and how many people have I killed all normal questions. Except for one question Brey asked that I didn't want to answer "Out of the Tori, Chloe, Haleigh, Emily, and I who would you date and why?" Then I said I changed my mind to dare, and Nick's dare was to answer the question. I finished beer number eight and answered truthfully "You" pointing at Brey, and she asked why. I answered I don't know and she told me to guess, so I thought of some reasons "you're super smart, fun to hang out with, very determined, independent, and extremely hot." Nick asked if I had thought about this before, and I said that Justin and I talked about it a lot. Then it was Brey's turn and nick dared her to jump in the lake or admit that he was a better shot than her. By the time Brey got back in the boat our hour was up, and we returned the boat then went to a hotel for the rest of the night.

The next morning AG sent us a message about Justin's funeral and as it turns out he is having two. One for the eight of us and his sisters and brother who live here, and another in the UK for the rest of his family. His funeral was the weirdest felling ever and everything just felt too real. His two sisters spoke about their favorite memory of him and how happy, funny, and lively he was. The funniest thing was that his brother talked about him like they were best friends, but Justin said that the guy was annoying and didn't like being around him. I felt like I was the only one who really knew him even over his own family and started thinking about the one actual promise we made to each other. That day when we both planned to do something stupid at each other's funeral, and I decided to keep my word. I sat in the back and plotted exactly when I was going to do this then I connected my phone to the speakers and played the unedited version of one of Justin's favorite songs my last by Big Sean. His brother was furious, but it seemed to make everyone else smile.

After leaving the funeral I couldn't get the song out of my head. For the entire drive home Brey was asleep and I just sitting there looking at her laying her head against the window, eyes closed, with the sun making her chocolate skin look a goldish color. Nick told me that I looked creepy and that she knows I'm in to her. I asked him if he told her and he told me that she wasn't an idiot. I didn't even realize that I was being that obvious, and I got an idea that would either be my best idea ever or get me killed. After we got back to her apartment the three of us were chilling on her balcony and Nick went inside for to get a drink or something. Then I took her hand pulled her close to me and kissed her.

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