6 weeks later

13 2 0

Dear Kook,

You must be wondering why I haven't sent you a letter for six weeks...something happened in those six weeks. While Tae and I were going around the village there were some people that were armed but I didn't know that. They were trying to steal from one of the villagers and they were saying that they would kill his daughter and I couldn't help but try to get them to stop...all I knew was that I felt pain all over my torso, not just in one area but the whole thing. It was dull but gradually felt more painful and it felt like torture. Then it was harder for me to breathe and everything went black.

I woke up about six weeks later. It felt weird. It was like I was trapped in a dream filled with darkness and I only felt a familiar hold on my hand, the person squeezing my hand tight before something wet fell on my forehead and a voice said, "I'm sorry..."

Kook, they did an operation on me...they said that they needed a heart donor for me. When I woke up, they gave me a note...

Your sunshine of a cousin,

Dear Kook 《 V-Hope 》Where stories live. Discover now