The Mute Mistress: Chapter 13

Start from the beginning

Within, a minute, Nathan straightened his back as he was greeted loudly. "Nathaniel!"

A tall, burly man appeared from around a corner with open arms. His gray hairs slicked back and his peppered beard was perfectly trimmed. Nathan forced a smile and exchanged an overly firm handshake before he was yanked close and patted on the back.

"My future son-in-law, eh?" Rafal winked. "C'mon let's talk in private."

He slapped his hand on his back as he guided them down a curved hall. Towards the end was an undecorated small office with a desk, a black office chair, and a metal legged seat. Rafal pulled the chair up to the desk and stabbed a finger at the chair.

"Sit, sit on this beautiful day of rest." Rafal insisted, falling back into his seat and crossing an ankle over his knee. "My office is undergoing some cosmetic changes at the moment. But let's get to the matter. So, tell me what do you want?"

"I wanted to–"

"Oh, wait a minute. I forgot. Congratulations on that magazine cover." He grinned. "You looked just like your old man. May he rest in peace."

Nathan sighed his thanks, watching Rafal's abruptly call himself rude for not offering any beverages. But he was told not to worry. Nothing at the moment would have cured his guest's dry mouth.

"I wanted to talk to you about the partnership with Vanderbilt Group Properties."

"Is this the dire meeting you insisted we have? Today is Sunday, son," Rafal rubbed his chin maintaining his grin, though the corners of his dark eyes were crinkled. "But go on."

Nathan felt the sweat underneath his jacket. "I know my father had the intention of coming together with this city's top digital proprietors."

"So you started dating Karina," Rafal smiled bigger. "Smart move."

Nathan stuttered, "Well, actually I sent two proposals to Reagan before I met your daughter."

"And I dismissed them then."

"I don't understand why? When this was something my father was gunning for before he died."

"Because I didn't see the use then. But you'd have to understand my hesitation after his passing. For over a year, no one was in charge of his legacy which was, personally I must admit, feckless."

"I took over eventually."

"Yes, but it made me question the values– family values. And if you pay any attention to me, you know I don't take my faith lightly. Have you returned to church?"

"No, sir. I have not," he admitted, and Rafal flattened his lips before suggesting Nathan do so.

"As for Reagan's business, we are particular about partnerships, but I will confess the three-hundred million dollar sale of the complexes did earn my respect. So why are you really here, Nathanial?" Rafal leaned his elbow on the desk. "Beyond business, we don't share the same values. The only thing linking us together is my daughter. She's a good girl, and as a father, I only want the best for my children. You have yet to prove you are the best choice for her or for Reagan."

✧ ✧ ✧

Nathan waited at the booth inside the Mediterranean restaurant. His knee bounced, anxious to see his brother. Joseph was his best friend but it didn't make the subject clouding his mind feel any easier to express. Finally, he looked up from his phone and recognized his family. A toothy smile curled his mouth when he saw his brother had brought along some small company. He scooted out the booth and when Joseph was closer, the twins were released to cling to their crouching uncle.

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