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THEY SAY THAT familiarity breeds contempt, that the more acquainted you become with someone, the easier it is to dislike them. But with Kim Taehyung, it's the complete opposite.

It's almost ridiculous how sweet the kid is. For example, while filming some behind the scenes footage, one of the cameramen had coughed a few times. Taehyung, with genuine concern expressed on his face, had asked the man if he was getting enough rest and if he was eating well enough.

Another time- several times, actually- he'd gone around and made a point to strike up a conversation, no matter how short or long, with everyone (everyone) on set. He'd asked Seokjin for acting tips with a hesitant smile on his cute face and how could he dislike a kid that nice?

Right now, Taehyung is chatting up the makeup artist who's painting a fake cut onto his arm. "My cousins have so much energy- they're always running around or making messes and my aunt's always yelling at them. My mom says that they'll calm down once they get older, but my aunt says that she doesn't know what she's talking about 'cause my siblings and I were all pretty quiet when we were younger and apparently she had it easy."

Seokjin's noticed over the past couple weeks that Taehyung has a (frustratingly adorable) habit of rambling. It makes people like him more; Seokjin wonders if he's too old to act like that.

The woman chuckles quietly, swiftly switching from a brush to a sponge. "Yeah, my daughter is like that, too. Always running around. It's hard to keep her still."

"Good thing there are two of you for one kid, then," Taehyung laughs. "My aunt's got five kids. She and my uncle go crazy trying to keep them behaved."

The woman hesitates. "It's just me, actually."

"Oh!" Taehyung looks surprised. Pauses for a moment. "Well you get double the credit, then."

The makeup artist doesn't reply, but the small smile splaying across her lips speaks volumes.

Maybe it's because they both have significant roles in the scenes that they're filming today and they're within closer proximity of each other, but Seokjin finds that he's learning a lot more about Taehyung today than he has ever before. The stuff he's picked up so far is pretty trivial, things that no one would ever bother to ask. Yet he finds himself going over them while he's not preoccupied with filming scenes.

So far, he's learned that Taehyung is from Daegu; that his group is called BTS and they debuted on June 13th, 2013; that he likes little kids and puppies; that he used to want to work on his grandmother's farm; and that he wants everyone to know about BTS so that his hyungs will be happy.

(Seokjin thinks that last one's kind of cute.)

"My Yoongi hyung's from Daegu, too," Taehyung's saying to the cameraman, who's adjusting some settings. (Seokjin has learned that his name is Jungkook.) "It's pretty cool. We're the only two who are from the same place- There are only four of us, though, so I guess it's cool that there are two of us who're from the same place, anyway. Namjoon hyung's from Ilsan and Jiminie's from Busan."

The cameraman looks up at this, recognition flickering across his face. "Busan?"

"Yeah." Taehyung nods. "Busan's really pretty. Have you ever been there?"

"Oh, well-" Jungkook grins, "-I'm from Busan, too."

"Really?" Taehyung looks a tad more excited than people normally would after learning something like this. (It's cute, annoyingly cute.) "I didn't know that! You don't even have an accent or anything- Busan's such an awesome place- Y'know, Jiminie would be thrilled to find out that there's someone from Busan here. Or maybe- I dunno if he'd be too busy, but maybe he could come visit. Then I could introduce you guys to each other!" He giggles (Seokjin has to actively stop his lips from twitching up into a smile) and brings his hands up to his face. "Imagine that: Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin, the Busan friends."

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