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and then phil fucked up badly.


tonight my mom was watching a preacher talk about how God doesn't want us to pretend to be something we're not, and we shouldn't change for other people's approval.

if that's the case, then why should anyone in the lgbtq community change just because people don't like their sexuality?

i mean, most of them are certainly not pretending. why would they? like seriously, if i were to ever come out to my parents, i'm 100% sure that would disown me, so why would i ever pretend to be lgbtq? for attention? so i could lose my family? so my homophobic peers could treat me like shit?

this probably doesn't make sense, i'm really bad at explaining things, but this has been on mind ever since i heard that. what are your thoughts?

ps. i love how this confusing author's note is longer than any chapter in this book

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