Music Room

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Me again with a chapter! As before, please don't play the music until I say so! Thanks! Also! Today is the last day of school for me so... I should have more time now since its summer!!!

Eren's P.O.V-
•Time Skip To School, Skipping Sll The Morning Stuff•
When Mikasa, Armin and I arrived at school we saw Hanji, member of the science club, Levi, member of the basketball team, and Erwin, President of the Schools Council and A.K.A Armin's crush.

"EREN!!" Hanji yelled all the way across the school. I waved shyly because I wasn't one to enjoy loudness even though I was loud. "Are we still up for after school?" I nodded and she wrapped me into one of her bone crushing hugs.

"Hanji you better let go of Eren before I break your ribs." Mikasa glared at her but Hanji survived Levi's glares so it had no effect. "Sorry! I'm just so excited! I haven't heard you play in years!" She exclaimed.

Erwin walked up to Armin, which was blushing and red as a tomato. "Good Morning Armin." Erwin waved. Armin blushed even more if that was possible. "H-Hello Erwin!... Lovely weather right?" Armin asked. Erwin smiled and nodded.

He walked towards the school leaving a very Love sick Armin. Hanji followed him and Levi walked up to me. "Oi brat? Got a second to spare?" I nodded and told Mikasa and Armin to go to class and I'll meet them there.

"What's up?" I ask and he passes me my green jacket. "Hey! You found it! Thank you so much! It means so much to me!" I put on the jacket and hugged Levi. Even though when I'm mad I can be a real bitch, I'm still a love able person.

I waved and ran to school in search of Mikasa and Armin. Levi stood there with pink dusted of his cheeks. My first class was Science which was actually pretty easy for me. What I'm most excited about is our performance.

Our Club Leader, Musa (if you know this chick then I love you),  suggested us to raise money for the school by performing at a festival. We needed some more equipment so we asked the Student Council to help us which they did. Now we are performing even more and yes it's kind of stressful but it's definitely worth it.

Since school is near end we decided to make it based on like The Weekend and Summer. One of my songs are personally my favorites which is Hymn For The Weekend By Coldplay Featuring Beyoncé.

"Alright class! I will be checking the test today so this class is a freebie." Our science teacher says. "Armin?" The blonde coconut looks up at me. "Can you help me with some of my song choices?" I ask and he nods. "Musa wants us to do a summer theme and a weekend theme. Got any suggestions?" He thinks for a bit. "Hymn for the Weekend?" I shake my head no.

"I already chose that one." Armin shrugs. "Maybe... Calvin Harris Summer?" I nod and write it down on a sheet of paper. After two hours, the bell rings.

I'm way to lazy to write his entire school day 😂 lol. Time skip to end of dis day

The final bell rings and I rush outside to the halls and wait for Mikasa. I see Mikasa so I wave to her for her to come over. "Hey Eren! I'm having soccer practice today so I can't be at your practice." I nod. "It's okay. Go and Armin will be with me." She smiles and hugs me before leaving. She also hugs Armin.

"Oh Eren~!" One brunette calls. I look and see Hanji and Levi come over. "Hey guys! I was about to go to the music room. If you want you can wait for me outside." Hanji steps forward and gives her bone crushing hugs. "No way! We are definitely going to see my little Titan in action! Right Levi?" Levi prayed her off of me.

"Learn how to control yourself Shitty Glasses." Levi says as he glares at her. "I know how to control myself! I'm just so excited for Eren!" Hanji squeals. I lead them to the room that holds all the times I've cherished. Like the times that I cried, smiled, laughed and even got into my first relationship.

"Hello Eren! You brought some friends?" Our club leader, Musa, asked. "Goo Afternoon Musa. Yes Armin is here as usual and this is Hanji and Levi." She smiles and nods. "You made it just in time too! Your up!" I nod and get out my case that holds my mothers old violin.

Play the Music!

"You will be playing Hymn For The Weekend." I get on the mini stage and start playing. I remember all the notes so well that I didn't need the music sheets.

Levi's P.O.V-
I saw Eren get on the stage and set playing. Hanji sat next to me in a row of chairs. Armin clapped from time to time but Eren never got distracted from it. "How long has he had been doing this?! He's amazing!" Hanji complimented. "His mom showed him when he was around 3 years old. Ever since he's been so inspired to play and even after she passed away Eren's will to play never falters." Armin says still not removing eye contact with Eren.

"Wow!" Hanji says. "Alright Eren thank you. Amazing as always." Musa says and she writes on a check board. Eren gets off the stage and puts away his instrument back into the black case. "I will need you to practice on the piano." Musa says and winks at Eren. Sure thing!" Eren replies.

Armin rushes up to the brunette. "Your awesome Eren! Do you want me to help you with the piano again?" Armin asks and He says yeah. I sit on the chair next to the piano. "Pass me the sheets Armin." Eren asks and The blonde coconut gives Eren the paper. Musa sits right next to Eren which I admit made me a bit jealous.

"Alright Eren, place your hand like this on key C." Musa grabs Eren's hand and places it on Key C. "The rest I'm pretty sure you know." Eren nods and smiles. Even his piano skills were breathtaking. "Good Work Eren! Your improving." Musa compliments.

After about 2 hours, Eren and Musa were finally finished. Eren packed up and Hanji, Armin and I were waiting outside for him. Eren was just about to leave Musa calls him.

"Eren don't forget to call me okay?" She asks as she twirls her black hair. "Okay. See you on Monday!" Eren waved and leaves. Armin smirks and questions Eren about Musa. "I really think she likes you." Armin says and Eren shakes his head. "No she doesn't. We are just good friends." Eren says and leads us to his car.

"Thanks for coming today! See you on Monday!" Eren and Armin leave when Mikasa comes back from practice. I take Hanji to my house.

Ending! Also a long chapter!

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