Chaos Rising

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Aria's POV

"You know I'm starting not to like this idea." Isaac announced.

"You know, you pacing back and forth is making me nervous. Please stop." I replied to Isaac. He'd been walking back and forth past the window of the loft for ages and him doing that was making me think the worst.

"Sounds kinda dangerous." Isaac spoke again, still pacing. "I definitely don't like this idea and I don't like him."

"You'll be fine." Derek replied in the most unconvincing voice.

I looked at him, giving him a stink eye. "You could sound a little more faithful there Derek." I told him. He just looked at me before continuing to read his book.

Ever since I told him I was a part of this problem with the Alpha Pack he'd been off with me. Not sure why as he and I both know that I'm not stupid and technically just being an Alpha's sister already made me extremely involved in whatever was to happen.

"Does it have to be him?" Isaac asked. He really didn't like Peter but this was the only way.

Peter had the power of being able to retrace lost memories and Isaac had been where Erica an Boyd were, but he just couldn't remember. So Peter became the only option and hope of finding the other pack members alive in time. To back with Isaac, I wasn't 100% faithful in my resurrected Uncle being able to find Erica and Boyd but it was the only chance we had. So Derek took it without a second thought.

"He knows how to do it, I don't" Derek responded, not looking up from his reading. "It would be more dangerous if I tried doing it myself.

"You know Scott doesn't trust him right? Personally I'd... Well I'd trust Scott." Isaac mentioned.

"Yeah, sorry Derek but I'm with Isaac on this one. He really isn't one known for being a reliable, trustworthy person." I agreed with Isaac, he looked at me with a smile.

"Do either of you trust me?" Derek asked us, looking between us both with accusing eyes.

"Yeah." We both responded together.

Derek looked down at his book again.

"I still don't like him." Isaac spoke, again. I nodded in agreement with him. This was a bad idea.

"Nobody likes him." Derek replied in a monotone voice as if Isaac was stating the obvious, which he sort of was.

The door to the loft opened suddenly grasping my attention as well as Derek's and Isaac's. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the sight of the person at the door.

"Boys," He began, "And girl. FYI, yes coming back from the dead has left my abilities somewhat impaired but the hearing still works. So I hope your comfortable saying, whatever it is you're feeling straight to my face."

"We don't like you." Derek told Peter with a hard face before slamming down his book on the table and standing up. "Now shut up and help us."

Peter shrugged, unable to complain as Derek respected his wishes. "Fair enough." He replied.

He whipped out the claws and I saw Isaac push himself off the the table he was leaning on, I knew how uneasy he felt.

"Hey, calm down. I won't let him kill you." I told him, hoping it would calm him down but unfortunately he looked at me with a pained expression.

Derek took a seat on the couch and I joined him. Isaac was sat nervously in a chair in the center of the room.

"Relax." Peter told him. "I'll get more out of you if you're calm."

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