The Apartment Building of Doom...Not Much More I Can Say

Start from the beginning

Bucky got close enough to him that he grabbed the gun and hit the guy into the wall.

Then he grabbed the battering ram and hit a guy with it.

So once more. How is the not going to kill anyone thing working out?

I'm pretty sure the dude isn't a demigod or enhanced.

Some guys came running up the stairs. So Bucky used the battering ram on them too.

Excuse me while I just go lie down for a moment. Because I'm pretty sure he said he wouldn't kill anyone.

More soldiers were running up the stairs and I could hear someone shouting.

Bucky jumped onto the guy still hanging from his drop vest.

He used the German Human Elevator to skip past some of the soldiers to the next landing.

Oh and he shoved a guy so he would go flying into a wall.

On the opposite side.

That reminds of the time Connor and Travis pranked Clarisse with makeup.

She was not a happy camper.

I hurried down the cleared stairwell, only to be blocked by Steve after he jumped down.

Jeez. He's a freaking rabbit.

I stared as Bucky knocked out some more soldiers. I knocked out the two behind me.

Don't need any bullets coming from that direction.

Bucky elbowed a guy into the fire extinguisher case, causing the glass to crack.

Remind me to never take him to an aquarium.

A guy almost fell over the railing but Steve caught him.

"Come on, man." I could hear him, seeing as I was right beside him.

Bucky knocked out the guy behind him. And then he ducked past Steve.

Steve pulled the guy up, but slammed him into a wall.

Bucky pulled some railing loose and used it to swing down below.

  Now's the time to rush. I ran down the staircase.

Past Steve who was taking care of the three remaining soldiers.

I was halfway down the stairs when I could see Bucky again.

He was busy taking out a soldier.

Steve threw his shield from beside me, knocking out another soldier.

Did they call in the army or something?

Bucky jumped over the railing.

I hurried down the stairs as Steve grabbed his shield out of the wall.

I made it as Bucky kicked down a door and took a running start.

I ran after him. Only to see that he had landed on the roof of another building.

He picked up his bag and started running.

Someone leapt at him.

Guess it's time for me to get involved.

I mentally did the math.

Okay. I've fallen from higher, without water.

With lava actually so...

That climbing wall is really dangerous.

And I can do this.

Mystery person knocked over Bucky. I took some steps back.

I could see them moving. And I highly doubt they're having a cup of tea.

As the newcomer moved it became obvious that he had a grudge against Bucky.

Steve came up beside me.

He backed up into the hallway.

"Sam, southwest rooftop."

"Who the hell's the other guy?" Sam asked.

"About to find out." Steve started running.

Gotta time this right.

Steve jumped off and tucked into a roll when he hit the rooftop.

Well. Now or never.

I went into the hallway and took a running start.

At last second I vaulted off of the railing and I tucked into a roll.

Now let's go join the welcome wagon.

Yes it's sucky.

And yes I wrote this while running on empty.

But I have a question. It won't really affect the book. I'm just curious.




also if that is the actual ship name that is one of the weirder names.

And we ship Brason.

Also please walk up to a person not in our fandom PJO/HoO people and just say 'I ship Brason' or 'Do you ship Brason'

And if they asked what it is just say something like 'unbeliever!' Or 'I'll introduce you to one of them."

And I binge watched the first season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

With what Simmons said about Fitz just made me think.

'Oh. So he's Jason. Just a lot smarter.'

See you guys.


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