~Chapter 23~

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Chapter 23

Nicole's POV

After kissing Jason my body was like a rag doll.

Everywhere he went I wanted to go.

It was like he controlled me.

It had only been 20 minutes but gosh, my whole body was tingling, wanting nothing more than to jump on him and-


Where the hell did my sanity go!?! Cause it ain't here.

We were downstairs now and the fruit bitch was still here. Alfredo and Marco had helped get her cleaned up and I was forced to apologize. I didn't. I nodded at her and said "I'm fucking 19."

That was all they were getting. Some how they knew that because they didn't push it and now we were all in the living room.

It was like the tension was oozing in the air and we all felt it because everyone was tense. Deciding to break it, I stood up and went to stand in front of the tv.

I looked at everyone before contemplating we needed to do something fun...

Hm... Fun? What was I? a children's entertainer!?!

Never mind, that was crossing the line.

entertainers are pretty cool actually. Like the magicians and super heros.

Not the clowns. Oh how I fucking hate clowns. I smiled at the memory of my 8th birthday.

I should probably talk..

"We should play a game, watch a movie, go swimming, let's do something fun!"

I announced this and immediately people agreed and gave their suggestions.

Swimming being the most popular.

Once we knew what we were going to do we all parted ways and I made my way upstairs. Luckily I remembered to buy a swim suit the time we went shopping.

We meaning Jason and I.

Jason following shortly behind me asked if I had a swimsuit to which I nodded my head.

After the kiss we weren't awkward. It was just hard for me to get around the fact that we did but after, he started acting a bit more lovey toward me.

I was happy to say the least.

Once in the room I grabbed the suit and changed in the bathroom.

Walking out I noticed Jason had no shame and changed in here. He was currently shirtless and I was debating whether or not we were having a heat wave or he was just that hot.

Either way, he had caught me staring at his, may I add, fine chest.

He smirked widely and winked.

Looking me up and down after.

Curse my staring at his oh so wonderful chest!

And curse him for having such an oh so wonderful, might I add, lickable chest!

After we grabbed our towels we both walked down the steps and went to the pool outside.

Almost everyone was in the pool except for the fruit and Vince. Fruit was lying down trying to get a tan while Vince was nowhere in sight.

I was about to lay down so that I could soak up the sun because yes I wanted to tan a little.

(If your wondering, 'how in the holy sweet baby Jesus is it still sunny?!?' wellll, they got into the fight at morning 9am and then hours later .. Etc. it's now around one.)

But before I could, Jason had other plans and tossed our towels aside.

He swept me up bridal style and now I was scared for my life.

Yes I could swim but I didn't like the idea of someone tossing me in! I'm pretty sure you don't either so I said


"Hey! My middle names not Emily !"

He sounded offended.

I didn't know his middle name so I sorta went with it.

"Just put me down! this instant! I am not playing games with you Ja-"

And the little fucker had the balls to throw me in.

When I arose I was in prey mode. He was going down!

His only argument was " You were the one who said 'put me down' and your getting mad at me because I put you down"

I was pretty sure my nose flared and I was glaring at him so hard. If looks could kill he'd be farther underground than Saten himself.(Changed it.)

I ran for him when I got out of the water but after 10 minutes I gave up. PE was never my favorite class...

Once I was over it we went into the pool with everyone and just swam around. At one point while I was sitting on the ledge he came to me and put his arms around my waist and for some reason, I wasn't the least bit bothered by this. Instead I leaned my head back onto his shoulder and sighed.

I realized 3 things.

1) He smells really good.

2) I was comfortable in his arms.

3) I was falling for my kidnapper.


And that answers your questions!

And no the story isn't near being over.

Also, the outfits are being a pain in the ass so I'm still working on fixing them. Chillax.

The cover is made by.. Well, I don't really know who because she didn't give me her name and I accidentally erased our convo on kik so owner of that photo comment so I can give you full credit!

The questions from last chapter still stand!

Covers, trailers, and etc. are fully accepted and welcomed.

Oh and by the way! I absolutely adore reading your comments!

They make me smile, laugh, and I just want to hug you all!

So yeah I just wanted to let you know that yes, I do care and appreciate the comments! and yes I know full well that this story is one of the top Jason Mccan Stories but I'm not gonna boast it. I want everyone to know that I thank and love everyone who has opened this book, votes, and comments. You all mean the world to me.

I want every who reads the authors note to vote.

I want you all to know that I started this story with no high intentions. I just loved Jason stories so thought what the hey? ya know? This is my second book and I had no idea it would get so many reads or votes.

I'm lucky to have all your support and love so thank you.

Thanks for reading and comment and vote!

(Ps I especially love those comments where they say I'm a good writer, the ones that say I want to be Nicole's best friend, and the ones that pressure me to update because all of this is for you.)

I'm an emotional mess cause I'm on my period. Get over it.


What is your favorite chapter of 'Why Me?' ?


Much love!


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