question 25//try me, bitch

Start from the beginning

After realizing that he was tied up as well, he struggled some more but of course it was useless. Taehyung spoke up. "I-I think I saw J-Jungkook and h-his men before I passed out. W-we must b-be captured b-b-by him," Taehyung said between hiccups.

The man frantically looked around him and freaked out even more. Taehyung began to talk again after "calming down". "I-I think J-Jungkook mentioned t-that he wanted t-the security code to y-your warehouse or s-something. I-If you tell him, he might let us g-go." The man was still trying to take the situation in. His eyes widened in realization. "W-wait, aren't you his boyfriend?! Is this a fucking trap or something? Why are you tied up?!" Taehyung growled low. The plan failed, fuck.

"Oh how sweet," Taehyung said dryly, his innocent attitude completely changed. "So you've seen through my innocent act."

Taehyung ripped the ropes that tied him, standing up to pick up his gleaming knife that was laying on the blood splattered table.

"Then let's get the information out of you, my way," Taehyung said in delight, licking his knife.

"My cheeks hurt from smiling fucker, so let's not let my efforts go to waste. It was an extreme pain in the ass to play innocent." Taehyung's smirking face turned dark and twisted making the man visibly panic even more.

Taehyung turned when he heard the door open. Jungkook made his way into the room, greeting Taehyung with a kiss. "Shame that the plan failed, huh?" Taehyung nodded and then giggled. "But now I can have fun." Jungkook chuckled. "Sure babyboy. Let me just try to get the info from the fucker before you do that though."

Jungkook walked towards the man, his eyes venomous. Jungkook had his hands in his pockets and he bent his upper body to become eye-level with the man.

The man began to foolishly add fuel to Jungkook's rage at him. "I-I left you b-because your business is a joke! You cheated me from my real worth, so I decided to start a business that could make the real money."

Jungkook narrowed his eyes dangerously.
"Saying that you've been cheated and the likes, you just didn't notice from the beginning, did you?" And then Jungkook went off.

"I don't give a flying fuck about what you think. You had no value to begin with, you should have realized that by now. You are just a worthless dog that can only lick my scraps. Try me, bitch," Jungkook spat out. Insanity was ablaze in his eyes and suddenly his whole aura changed.

Jungkook smiled widely. "I'm back bitches!" Jungkook's psychotic alter came out. Taehyung smiled. "Omygod Jungkook needs anger management classes for how many times you come out when he's pissed as hell."

Jungkook faked a pout making Taehyung coo. "Didn't you miss me?" Taehyung laughed and shoved him slightly. "You don't give a shit about me, alter Jungkook. You're asexual." Jungkook giggled. "Ding ding ding! Correct! Now who do I have to beat up for Jungkook?" Taehyung jerked his head at the confused man that was sweating profusely.

Jungkook's alter became serious. "Then what are we waiting for," he sing-songed, his eyes rolling back like a madman. Taehyung giggled and threw another knife towards Jungkook to begin the torture.

Jungkook stopped Taehyung before he could begin. "Wait, why not make this a little more interesting?" Taehyung tilted his head in confusion. "How?" Jungkook smirked. He skipped towards the large cabinet filled with all sorts of strange devices that even Taehyung had yet to explore.

He took out a large machine and an electrode. Jungkook faced them, eyes still clouded by insanity. "Behold, a machine that can change a person's pain levels! Allow me to explain while demonstrating." He walked towards the man with Taehyung already next to him and he took out a shot to inject the man with.

He injected anesthetic so that the man wouldn't die too early from the pain. He cut a hole into the man's head and began to practically perform a surgery on him with total concentration.

Taehyung watched in awe at Jungkook doing all of the hard work so seriously. Damn, that's so fucking hot, I'm so fucked. Once Jungkook was done, he smirked at Taehyung. "Now time for the fun part." He turned on the machine and saw multiple switches displayed.

Jungkook turned on the bright yellow switch and the man jolted awake. Taehyung looked at Jungkook for an explaination. "By connecting the electrode directly to the brain's pain centers, we can change the fucker's level of pain at the flip of a switch." Taehyung grew excited while the man just stared at the duo in horror.

Jungkook looked back at the man. "So want to tell us your security code? We might let you go," Jungkook said, touching the terrifying machine gently. The man quickly stuttered the numbers out and Taehyung wrote it on a slip of paper.

"Let the fun begin!" Jungkook shouted. The man breathed hard. "B-But I told y-you the code," the man spluttered nervously. "I said I might let you go," Jungkook replied to which the man grew pale. Taehyung swung his knife. "I'll start."

Taehyung dug his jagged knife deep into the man's arm, before twisting it ruthlessly. The man screamed at the excruciating pain and Taehyung gave Jungkook a signal. Jungkook turned on the switch for a medium level of pain that only added on to suffering that the man was already going through. His screams echoed over Jungkook's psychotic laugh and Taehyung felt the adrenaline rush at the thought of what the man was going through. Blame the pain kink.

They went at it for hours until the man died from a heart attack after the constant varying levels of pain he was forced through. Taehyung could tell Jungkook returned back to his original personality when he looked at the bloody corpse in front of him with mild confusion.

"Baby, you did so well," Taehyung purred, even though he knew Jungkook didn't share the memories of the other alters. "Fuck, I missed the best part," Jungkook groaned and Taehyung laughed. "Maybe try to control your anger better then. Be more like me, do you see this perfection," Taehyung taunted.

Jungkook growled. "Bitch, where," he said teasingly and Taehyung gasped dramatically. "Fuck you, honestly." Jungkook smirked. "Yah I'm going to fuck your tight ass tonight," he said making Taehyung's face turn bright red. "You were turned on by the torture again weren't you babyboy?" Taehyung covered his face with his hands.

"I hate you." Jungkook smiled gently. "No, you love me." Taehyung blushed again. "I love you so much I want to kill you." Jungkook hugged him tight. "Glad to know you feel the same."

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