Chapter 9

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I stepped out of the room, then immediately face palmed. I had no idea where Conner was, and Rouge was supposed to confess first. "Rouge!"

Darn! I thought you'd forget.

"Nope! Time to go, sweetie!"

God, you're just like my mom.

"Just get over here." She walked out of the room, looking angry, but I pushed her down the hall, towards the throne room, assuming that's where Clawdius would be. When we walked through those doors Red waved us over, Clawdius was at her side, laying down, but when he saw Rouge he sat up.

"Hello (Y/N)."

"Queen Red Riding Hood," I bowed, eyeing Rouge with a smirk she bowed her head in respect, and embarrassment in what she was about to do.

"Is there something you need?"

"Not what I need. Rouge just needs to speak to Clawdius, if that is alright?"

"Yes, yes, but please don't have it be all day. Clawdius, has some thing he needs to have done today."

"I'm sure it won't be long, My Lady. Go on, Rouge."

Hello, Clawdius.

Rouge, there is something you wish to say to me?

Um, well after out time together, today, I've realized certain feelings have... been known to me at this point. Feelings towards you.

All good I'd hope.

Yes. These feelings are... good, but they confuse me. So I wish to share them with you.

No need to be so formal, but yes, you may share.

I get a warm feeling in my gut when I speak with you and it's most enjoyable. I believe it would be called... love?

Are you saying you love me?

Yes. That is what I am trying to say. I love you, Clawdius.

Thank god I'm not the only one! I love you too!

"Oh joy! You two are finally together!" I clapped excitedly as Red's eyes widened.

"What is it you say that happened?"

"Our wolves are a thing now... we should probably get them, spayed."

"Aw! Romance! Wait aren't you and Conner together now?" She asked, with no disregard for how I felt.

"No. I'm supposed to speak with him soon, but I'm not sure where he is at the moment."

"He told me he would be out in the garden if anyone asked. You may want to go catch up with him as soon as you can. Him and Alex are supposed to leave back to the Otherworld soon to see their mother, in their monthly visit."

"Oh, no. When do they leave?"

"In... thirty minutes."

"Thank you, Red!" I exclaimed before running out of the room, leaving Rouge behind to speak more with Clawdius. I spent a good five minutes trying to find the garden before I opened the doors to a barren hedge circle which didn't seem to be much of a garden, but there was a bench where Conner was sitting. His eyes were looking up at the swirling snow of my curse. "It's beautiful at times isn't it?"

He looked over with surprise. "You actually came?"

"I had to if you're leaving."

"So, Red gave you my message?"

"Yes." He stood up and we stood there, a thousand words needing to be said, but the only thing I could hear was the wind whistle.

"There's something I need to tell you. Since when I get back you will most likely be gone." He moved closer so we were standing inches away. "Ever since I met you, which I know it hasn't been long, but I get butterflies every time I see you. Even though you don't always understand what we mean, I find that adorable, and I want to help you understand everything. When I watched you read, and your nose scrunched up every time you were struggling. I died a little inside thinking that I could never be someone you'd love. But that doesn't stop me from feeling the way I do."


"Even if I shouldn't feel this way, I do. You loved my story, and it made me relieved to know that. When you kissed me... I never wanted you to stop, I wanted to be in that moment forever. If I could go back I would and relive that moment every day. I don't know if this feeling is wrong, or if it's right, but I love you."

My heart stopped.

He turned to walk away and something came over me. "Wait!"

He turned and looked at me. "We didn't meet on good terms, when I began to realize I might like you, I told myself it wouldn't work out because we were so different. Then you were the only one willing to do anything with me, and I began to see you in a different light. You reminded me what the sun felt like when I could actually see it. I miss the sun, just like I'm going to miss you when you leave. There's no one I'd rather fall in love with. I don't care where you come from, where I come from, but I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. A thousand times I love you." My heart was beating even faster as the wind around us picked up. "You're stories are beautiful, I never want to read anything ever again, just your stories."

"If you love them, then I'll right one for you." He closed he space between us, but didn't kiss me. His breath was on my face and our bodies touched. The only thing I held onto at the moment that told me is wasn't a dream was the parchment cutting into my skin.

"How would you feel if I kissed you right now?"

"Like I was in heaven." He mumbled.

"How would you feel if I didn't?"

"Dead." I reached up, wrapping my arms around his neck and connecting out lips. Once again his lips were warm and the same feeling of warmth spread through me. I'd never forget it now that I had a second taste. His hands rested on my waist, and he kissed back. I wished this would never end.

The Snow Queen's Daughter///Conner Bailey X Reader(Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now