Chapter 5

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I'd read every book that Conner handed me, until I closed the last one. Rupunzel. "Once again, I don't understand."

"What's wrong with this one?" He sighed, almost like he was annoyed. My cheeks flushed and I looked down.

"These people... witches specifically. Why are they doing such terrible things for silly things. Though I have defended them in a few specific times. They've gone insane, doing crazy things like locking this girl up in a tower? For what?"

"I'm... not sure. We don't exactly chat much, me and the other witches." He grinned. A small laugh escaped me and then the door flew open.


REALLY? You're owner doesn't laugh?

She's not my owner! We're companions!

"What the heck!" I screeched. Rouge, ran up to me, with Clawdius bounding behind her. She jumped on my lap, knocking me out of my seat.


"Rouge get off me!" She jumped off and began to trot around the room.

(Y/N) and Conner sittin' in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g!

"I will break your legs off!" I snapped sitting up.

Gotta catch me first!

Clawdius bolted out of the room, and Rouge followed close behind. Conner held his hand out to me, and I took it without hesitation. "Are you alright? That looked like it hurt."

"Yeah," a small grunt escaped me, not exactly a feminine grunt either. "She does that a lot when she's excited about things."

"How often is she excited about things?"

"Any time I talk to anyone, but her. So not much really, you're one of the first persons she hasn't scared off."

"Well I'm pretty terrified," he joked, a stupid grin crossing his face.

"Of course you are..."

"So what did she say to you that made you want to break her legs off?" My cheeks immediately turned red, and I became flustered.

"W-Well, you see... she was um... what she said was... how she said it... it's... complicated. More... secretive I guess you'd say." He nodded, not looking offended, but a look of understanding.

"So, Rouge, is like your best friend?" I placed my chin on my hand, snickering.

"More like my only friend. I mean, I love her and everything, but it's been five hundred years with her. You need a break from someone every couple of years... you know?"

"Not... particularly." He raised his eyebrows and I sighed.

"Right, I forget I'm the only one who doesn't age. It's been awful."

"I could only imagine." A sigh came from him, I didn't expect that though. "So over these five hundred years, you never fell in love with someone?"

"No... up until I actually came in contact with you guys, I was not sure if falling in love was possible anymore."

"Well... what about meeting us made you realize it was an option again?"

"Just... I hadn't seen anyone for two hundred years, beside a few random travelers. Seeing you guys made me think I had another chance at normal... but then I remembered the cursed storm. I can't escape it. I've tried."

"Is there a way to break this curse?"

"Yes... but it becomes complicated. I must truly love someone, and they must feel the same back towards me. Then, we must express it openly. Only then can I escape this."

"Well that seems a bit more complicated than I was hoping."

"But what about you Conner? You and your sister know practicality all there is to know about me. What about you? Who is Conner?"

"You want to know about me?" He suddenly became flustered, which I found adorable, but suppressed that thought and nodded. "Well... you remember the Otherworld I told you about? I come from there, but I have magic in my blood which I guess makes me a fairy? My grandmother was the Fairy Godmother. She passed a few years ago fighting a dragon."

"Wait your grandmother is thee Fairy Godmother?" My face must have looked shocked because he looked confused.

"Yes. Is that a problem?"

"No. You excepted me, so I except you." He nodded, on the outside I must have looked calm enough because he continued.

"Alex is my twin sister... I really don't think I have much else to share..."

"Well I haven't seen you use any sort of magic like your sister... what do you do? Sword fighting?"

"No... I... write." His cheeks turned red, and he looked away. "That sounded so lame."

"No, no! What do you write?"

"Stories... most of them aren't as great as I'd like them to be though." He began to cover his face with his hands, but I grabbed his wrists, pulling his hand down.

"Can I read one?"

"Do you really want to?"

"Of course. I'm sure they're not as bad as you make them out to be." He stood up, and walked over to a desk, which held a stack of parchment that had been sewn together. He picked up the first one on the stack and brought it over to me. The title was scrawled across the first sheet of parchment in black. 'The Adventures of Blimp Boy'. I raised an eyebrow, looking up at him.

"What is a blimp?"

"It will explain in the story."

I set the pages aside with Conner staring intently at me, most likely nervous. "What did you think?"

"Well first things first, I don't understand the concept of a story. It didn't explain any events in history that I think would be... real."

"A story is just written for entertainment." He explained.

"Oh... then I find the story more appealing now. It was quite interesting. Especially with these... mummies? Can you explain those a bit more to me?"

"Well they're like... dead people that are wrapped in toilet paper, and come back to life, usually only in books or movies though."

"Toilet paper? Movies?"

"Sometimes, I forget how complicated life was here five hundred years ago. They actually used strips of linen." I at least recognized that word.

"Well, I loved your story." Conner placed his hand on my cheek, and my eyes locked with his, and I found us moving towards each other.

"Hey Conner! Ja- YOU!"

The Snow Queen's Daughter///Conner Bailey X Reader(Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now