Chapter 2

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Your P.O.V.

My eyes fluttered open due to the great amount of heat, making me feel as if I was being cooked alive. Slowly, I pushed myself up, my head was spinning, and I felt like I was laying on a cloud. Once my eyes cleared I realized I was lying on a bed, Rouge was curled up on the edge, probably enjoying this.

I noticed that my cloak was hanging next to a fire place, but that wouldn't explain the cloak around my shoulders. My brain seemed to be telling me to get out of the room. It was too hot and I felt like I was going to be sick. I forced myself to stand and walk towards a window, throwing it open. Snow and hail rushed through the window, rustling the bed sheets. The wind was forceful enough to blow the fire out. Which I could've cared much less about.

Carefully, I managed to step up onto the window ledge. The feeling of the wind rushing through he borrowed cloak felt amazing. "What are you doing?!"

I quickly spun around to see, Conner standing in the doorway. "Rouge!"

Her eyes snapped open and she jumped into my arms, knocking me off the edge as I had hoped she would. We plummeted to towards the ground, silently. The wind took action and gave me an invisible platform to run on. My head snapped back to see Conner's head poking through the window, he seemed to be yelling something, but I couldn't quite hear.

"Rouge are you okay!?"

Fine! It was really warm in there! Where were we?

"I don't know. I just couldn't stay in there any longer."

Boy, you must have hated Summer as a kid!

"More than you know!" I chuckled as she barked in joy.

"Stop running!" An angry voice yelled below us. We stopped abruptly, almost loosing the platform. The girl, Alex from yesterday was below us, waving angrily. "Come down here! Don't make me get up there!"

(Y/N)? What are we going to do? She's a powerful fairy... and well you're-

"I'm thinking!" Unfortunately my brain wouldn't produce any great ideas under this pressure. "I've got nothing!"

Wow, two minutes wasted.

"Shut up!" I growled, "just book it!" We both took off sprinting, something we've practiced several times.

Are you going to make a portal back to he mountains?

I silently face palmed for being so stupid. Of course when I was in desperate need of a portal, I wouldn't remember that was one of the only powers I still had control over. "Yes!"

As we ran towards the wall of... well wherever we were I quickly swung my arm in a circle and pushed forward. A gust of wind followed where my hand pushed to and a silver oval appeared fifty meters in from of us. "Get ready!"

Rouge lunged forward, only to be shot off our platform, without thinking I dove off the platform after her, abandoning the portal. My arms wrapped around her, she was unconscious, so I hugged her body to mine and took the impact for both of us. Unfortunately, once again, the place where I'd landed was solid ice, and I swear I may have heard some bones crunch. My eyes fell heavy and closed.

Once I finally opened my eyes, Conner and Alex were the first things I saw, both of them hovering over me. Alex seemed to be quite frustrated, while, Conner, looked more curious. After a moment of regaining my senses I realized I was back in the room. The heat seemed to be more intense than the first time. Quickly I squirmed around trying relieve some of the intense heat, but my arms wouldn't move. "Relax," Conner instructed.

I snapped my head to the side, there was a chain attaching my wrist to the headboard. "Why are you doing this?"

"Like I said. We're trying to help you." Alex growled. In the corner of the room Rouge was tied up with a cooler and rope, she paced back and forth, eyes fixed on the two in front of me.

"Well, you can help me by letting me and my wolf go!" I struggled more anxiously. Rouge's teeth were visible through the curled lips.

"Please just try to listen-"

"Look! Me and my wolf are fine on our own! We can handle oursel-" Conner placed a hand on my shoulder and Rouge barked angrily. "Down girl!"

She moved back, a whimper set to escape from her. "Remove your hand from my shoulder."

Slowly he peeled his hand back from my shoulder and I felt a strange absence. "Explain to me why you think you can help me." At this point I was struggling to breath, but I showed no sign of this.

"We believe you're cursed." Alex said calmly.

"Tell me something I don't know." I snapped. "I've been curse for five hundred years-"

"Wow... but you look like you're fifteen or... sixteen?" Conner cocked his head to the side, and a low growl escaped my lips and my head began to spin.

"It's... part... of... the... curse..." My eyes closed slightly and Rouge began to bark again.

"What's wrong?" Conner asked, Alex quickly placed her hand on my forehead, only to pull away quickly. She grasped her hand tightly.

"Conner, put the fire out, open a window or two, she's overheated." His eyes trailed to Alex's hand.

"But you're hand-"

"Just. Do. It." She growled. He quickly jumped to his feet, and put out the fire and threw open a few windows. A gasp escaped me as cold air began to fill the room, some snow drifted in too, but not much. "Who are you?"

I took a few deep breaths to clear my head and looked her straight in the eyes, "I'm the Daughter of the Snow Queen."

Bad move.

"Rouge, watch yourself." I snapped, she lifted her snout up and looked away. I turned back to the two, who both had their mouths hanging open. "Just so you know I was an accident, so it wasn't like I was born to be a villain."

"But... wouldn't that make it you could control the storm, not be overcome, by it?" Alex asked, suddenly gentle.

"My mother cursed me, she said I was a fool to be in love. As far as I know this curse cannot be broken by any magic. I tried."

"But you can talk to the wolf?" Conner questioned.

"Yes... you can't hear her?"

"No." Both of them replied.

"Oh... that explains a lot of the strange looks I've gotten over the years..."

"Well, (Y/N)... you're free to stay here in the, Red Riding Hood Kingdom until we can figure out a way to break this curse for you."

"...Why? Why are you trying to help me?"

"It's what we do." They smiled and unchained me and Rouge, who happily pounced into my arms.

"Are you okay?" I asked, petting her and she rubbed her head against my hand.

Much better now that I'm off that lease!

"Well that's good." I kissed her forehead, and rubbed her fur down her back.

If they break this curse do you think we'll see the sun again!?

"I don't know, but for you I'm willing to try." If Rouge could smile she probably would be right now. A small smile emerged on my face.

"Well, actually, if you're going to be staying here we may as well introduce you to, Red..." Conner sighed. Alex looked slightly indifferent about this decision of Conner's, but eventually nodded.

"Let us introduce you to, Queen Red Riding Hood."

The Snow Queen's Daughter///Conner Bailey X Reader(Short Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin