Chapter 4

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My eyes snapped open and Rouge's face was hovering right over mine. "What?"

I'm hungry!

"Now that you say it... I'm hungry too." I pushed her off me and sat up, groaning. There was a knock on the door, so I stood from the bed and opened the door. Conner was standing there in his usual clothing. "Good Morning, Conner."

"As to you. Would you like to join us for breakfast?"

"Who is 'us' might I ask?"

"Alex, Red, and me." My eyes trailed over to Rouge who was still sitting on the bed.


"We will join you." A smile settled onto his face as he lead me and Rouge to the dining room, which had a very large table. We joined the other two at the far end and we sat without a word. No one said anything for a while.

"I'm sorry about yesterday," Red spoke first. I simply nodded before figuring out what to say.

"I'm more upset with your dog than I am you Miss."

"I see."

"What did you two do yesterday?" Alex asked, changing the subject.

"We went out into town, and bought a few things to make a new bow for (Y/N), since we lost hers." Conner nodded.

"Do you have any plans for today?" Red asked.

"I don't believe so." I looked down at Rouge. "Anything you can think of?"

Nope, our schedule is open!

"I guess we're free? Was there something you wanted to discuss?"

"You didn't ask her yet Conner?" Alex glared at him, accusingly.

"Sorry! We didn't really talk much this morning!"

"What was it Conner was supposed to ask me?"

"Do you like to read? Or do you know how to read?" Red asked, softly. A strange tone for her.

"I know a little bit, but I never had time for a proper education. Why do you ask? Am I supposed to be able to read?" Rouge barked in a confused way.

"No, it's not required, we just wanted to know before we bring you to Red's library." Conner placed his hand on mine. His hand was warm compared to mine and it gave me a nice feeling.

"You have a library? What is a library?" Alex's jaw dropped,and I couldn't be more confused.

"It's where we keep books that hold information or made up stories."

"Is a book similar to a scroll?" Alex and Conner exchanged a look before nodding. "May I see these books?"

"Yes, of course!" Red exclaimed. "Conner, you can take her after we eat!"

Almost exactly after we were finished eating Rouge ran off to converse with Clawdius, and Red and Alex ran off, saying they were 'taking care of business', which left me with Conner alone. We saw quietly at the table for a while. We hadn't talked much about what happened the night before... well for a certain reason.

I also believe he's avoiding the subject. Which gives me a great pain in my chest, one I'd never felt before... it was worse than the time I was crushed under a boulder. My cheeks began to warm under the silence. "Ahem, would you like to see the library now?"

"Y-Yes." I nodded and we both stood, heading towards this 'library'. It was only two corridors to the right, behind two oak wood doors. It was a large room filled with these books. "It's beautiful."

A small smile crossed my face. "Would you like to read anything specifically?"

"Do you have anything that covers the history of the last five hundred years?" His cheeks flushed as he thought.

"We have a few I think." He lead me to a small section in the corner, the shelves were filled with several thin books. "What do you want to read about? We have Cinderella, Rupunzle, Jack and The Bean Stalk..."

Slowly as he listed more my eyes trailed away, my hearing seemed to stop. My eyes landed on a slightly thicker book than the others. On the front the three words I hated the most were scrawled out in gold. 'The Snow Queen'.

I plucked up the book and started at the cover. The book opened and there was a picture of her, my mother. How I hate that we had a somewhat similar resemblance. "(Y/N)?"

"Yes?" I snapped the book shut to see Conner staring at me, concerned.

"You're hair is covered in frost." My cheeks turned pink from embarrassment, and I quickly shook my hair out, running my fingers through the frost. My hair was now wet and dripping onto the floor.


"No need to apologize." His hand brushed against my cheek, as he moved my hair out of my face. Quickly he pulled his hand away. "So, would you like to begin reading?"


"Good, we'll start with something a little more... modern for you. Sleeping Beauty."

"I don't understand? What it this book about?"

"A princess that was cursed."

"Yes, but by who?"

"Here, just read it. There's a whole story line tracking back to four hundred years ago. It should seem somewhat familiar." He placed the book in my hand, taking 'The Snow Queen' from me. I found a place to sit and flipped open the book and began to read.

"What did you think?" Conner asked, hovering over my shoulder as I finished.

"I don't understand still. Why would Maleficent curse Aurora. She did nothing wrong, she was simply a child. 'Twas the king's fault of you ask me. He should have just invited Maleficent."

"But Maleficent was a witch!"

"I'm a witch!" I snapped. His face turned red. "My point is, Maleficent was just upset she wasn't invited. You're people have a bad view over witches. Not all of us our bad. My mother used to be good... until they tried to burn her at the stake. That's when she drew the line. I believe it's also her fault why us witches are looked down upon... anyways what's next?"

"Uh... Snow White." I raised my eyebrows. "Look don't judge the name."

"I didn't say anything. Just threw up in my mouth a bit, mostly in disgust." He chuckled, and handed me the book before running off to grab another one.

The Snow Queen's Daughter///Conner Bailey X Reader(Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now